My Top12 Films For 2012

Jan 29, 2013 09:36

12) The Man With the Iron Fists

11) Underworld: Awakening

10) Django Unchained

09) Superman vs. the Elite/The Dark Knight Rises

08) Resident Evil: Retribution

07) Justice League: Doom

06) The Chronicle

05) Red Tails

04) Skyfall

03) Magic Mike

02) Cabin In The Woods

01) The Avengers

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joss whedon, movies, magic mike, via ljapp, comics

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Comments 3

innerbrat January 29 2013, 17:34:46 UTC
In no particular order, because ranking things is hard:

Beasts of the Southern Wild
The Avengers
Les Miserables
Wreck-It Ralph
The Expendables 2
The Secret World of Arrietty
The Woman in Black
The Pirates! In an Adventure with Scientists.

Of these, only the first passes your litmus test, I'm afraid. Well, and the Avengers, because Whedon.


boston_pobble January 30 2013, 18:18:30 UTC
I've only seen a handful of new movies this year: Brave; Looper; Beasts of Southern Wild; and Les Mis. Of them, Beasts is the only one I really, really loved for the movie itself. Brave I loved because of the character, but (as you know) readily admitted to the flaws within the movie itself.

Speak not to me of the Resident Evil movies, as they are in my netflix queue and I want to be surprised ~ as if one can be surprised by a Resident Evil movie, but you know what I mean.


belindashort February 1 2013, 12:07:33 UTC
I really enjoyed 'safety not guaranteed' and '7 psychopaths'


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