My Other Resolution

Jan 08, 2013 12:57

My other New Years Resolution this year is to adhere strictly to my Media Litmus Test and watch with glee as white fans go rabid when I tell them I'm not interested in their fandom.

No Tolkien? FASCIST!

You won't watch Game of Thrones? OH NOES!!!!!!

No Moffatt Dr. Who? OH NOES!!!

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context is for the weak, via ljapp

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Comments 22

sparkindarkness January 8 2013, 20:18:02 UTC
ZOMG You evil evil evil hating hater of hateness! I am shocked and appalled! SHOCKED AND APPALLED I SAY!

gah, y'know with all the people playing this game I thought it'd be way more fun than it is. I am disappointed.


(The comment has been removed)

gwyd January 9 2013, 04:14:48 UTC
My feeling is, we all draw our lines where we are comfortable. That line is personal and unique to each person. It's silly being a dick about it.


jess_faraday January 9 2013, 00:07:53 UTC
I hate Game of Thrones, and I have a similar litmus test.

Not sure if you like mysteries, but if so, you might enjoy the anthology I edited in November (Death on a Cold Night.) 5 of 8 stories feature a Protagonist of Color, and all are well written. Perhaps not Octavia Butler well written, but I don't publish junk!


jess_faraday January 9 2013, 00:14:01 UTC
(And if you have a mystery story of your own, I would absolutely love to consider it for our next anthology, deadline Feb. 15 for a March publication.)


neo_prodigy January 10 2013, 22:20:25 UTC
I just shot you a pm.


lisaquestions January 9 2013, 00:16:03 UTC
People get so goddamned precious when one says "I am not going to bother with that media because I find it problematic and/or oppressive."

I've been in several actual literal flame wars because I refuse to read Orson Scott Card's work because of his homophobia* or play computer RPGs that do not allow you to create female characters. I make rare exceptions to the second one, but some guys get super offended at the idea.

All I can say is "more power to you."

* I once got accused of wanting to ban OSC's books and burn them all in the public square because I said "I won't read his work because he wants to make homosexuality illegal" on a mailing list for gay gamers. WTF.


kittenmommy January 9 2013, 00:43:01 UTC

I won't read his work because he wants to make homosexuality illegal

He does? I had no idea. I'll cross him off the list of authors I'll read... even though I've barely read anything by him. :p


lisaquestions January 9 2013, 00:52:15 UTC
He wrote it in 1990, saying he wanted homosexual acts to remain illegal. He says that he has no interest in criminalizing homosexual acts now that they are legal, but he is a contributor to and I think member of NOM, and routinely speaks out against same sex marriage.


kittenmommy January 9 2013, 00:53:50 UTC

I'm glad you told me this; I will actively avoid him in the future!


kittenmommy January 9 2013, 00:39:21 UTC

I... really don't care what people watch or don't watch. I can't imagine going apeshit over something so minor.


fobok January 9 2013, 02:10:23 UTC
Speaking as someone who used to fall into this camp (until Neo made me see sense), it comes from a misguided belief where if someone dislikes something you like, they dislike/are insulting you for liking it. Or, in this case, more specifically thinking that people think you're a bigot if you enjoy problematic works. This triggers a defensiveness, and people argue like they're defending themselves instead of some form of entertainment..


kittenmommy January 9 2013, 02:16:01 UTC

Or, in this case, more specifically thinking that people think you're a bigot if you enjoy problematic works.

If the person enjoys them because of the problematic bit(s), then yeah, that's a problem.

But I don't necessarily think that enjoying things with problematic elements makes one a bigot. And I also don't think that deciding not to consume media with problematic elements makes someone closed-minded or a bigot or whatever, either.

IDK, I guess I just don't care enough about other peoples' watching/reading/listening habits. I worry about myself and what media I consume, and let others make their own decisions.


fobok January 9 2013, 07:36:51 UTC
Like I said, misguided belief. :)


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