My Other Resolution

Jan 08, 2013 12:57

My other New Years Resolution this year is to adhere strictly to my Media Litmus Test and watch with glee as white fans go rabid when I tell them I'm not interested in their fandom.

No Tolkien? FASCIST!

You won't watch Game of Thrones? OH NOES!!!!!!

No Moffatt Dr. Who? OH NOES!!!

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context is for the weak, via ljapp

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kittenmommy January 9 2013, 00:39:21 UTC

I... really don't care what people watch or don't watch. I can't imagine going apeshit over something so minor.


fobok January 9 2013, 02:10:23 UTC
Speaking as someone who used to fall into this camp (until Neo made me see sense), it comes from a misguided belief where if someone dislikes something you like, they dislike/are insulting you for liking it. Or, in this case, more specifically thinking that people think you're a bigot if you enjoy problematic works. This triggers a defensiveness, and people argue like they're defending themselves instead of some form of entertainment..


kittenmommy January 9 2013, 02:16:01 UTC

Or, in this case, more specifically thinking that people think you're a bigot if you enjoy problematic works.

If the person enjoys them because of the problematic bit(s), then yeah, that's a problem.

But I don't necessarily think that enjoying things with problematic elements makes one a bigot. And I also don't think that deciding not to consume media with problematic elements makes someone closed-minded or a bigot or whatever, either.

IDK, I guess I just don't care enough about other peoples' watching/reading/listening habits. I worry about myself and what media I consume, and let others make their own decisions.


fobok January 9 2013, 07:36:51 UTC
Like I said, misguided belief. :)


kittenmommy January 10 2013, 23:34:09 UTC



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