EVENT: 4th Wall FAQ

Nov 20, 2009 09:22

Dearest NeoGenesis. A 4th Wall event is approaching. From Wednesday, December 2, to Wednesday, December 16, visitors from other worlds will be appearing in our fair city. Only... instead of getting rewritten with proper false memories, these visitors have their true memories. You'll have two weeks to learn everything you can from them... before the Omega put a violent end to this chaos.


► What the hell's going on?Your character wakes up in a hotel room. There's just one problem: they have no idea how they got there. But there's a suitcase filled with setting-appropriate clothes that will fit them and some personal necessities, a decent amount of cash, and a sweet network-capable PDA.

► Where is this hotel?It's in the grand city of NeoGenesis, of course! NeoGenesis is a futuristic city comprised of three Levels. It's up to you which Level your characters find themselves in. Elysium is the top level, a utopian upper-class district in which everyone is extremely wealthy and everything is beautiful and clean. Terra is the level below Elysium, a middle-class district filled with ordinary working people and unremarkable businesses. Abyss is the bottom level, a ghetto filled with criminals and monsters living side-by-side in filth and squalor. You can read more about these locations here.

► Wait! What are we supposed to do here?Communicate over the Network by commenting on the posts labeled "4TH WALL" on the main community or join one of the 4th Wall logs on the logs community. You'll find the city is inhabited by others... but these people believe they've always lived here. Some of them might be clones of your characters, or their family members, or their friends. It's your job to convince them this isn't where they're supposed to be. They've been living a lie!

► Let me get this straight: we're here to break your characters' fragile psyches?Yes.

► You mean our characters still have their true memories?That's right. There's a glitch. There's no chip in their heads, no false memories. They are completely aware of their lives, and possibly even where they just came from (that is, the game you currently play them at). If they're AU, then they have those AU memories. If they're from another memory loss game, it's up to you whether they retain their memories or not.

► Do our characters also have their powers?Yes. Completely unlimited.

► How long are we here?This event will last for two weeks, which also means your characters will be living in NeoGenesis for two weeks. (Don't worry, their hotel room is paid for.) The first week will be spent chatting up our existing characters in relative peace. In the second week, you'll see a response from the NeoGenesis government, and it won't be pretty.

► What do you mean by "won't be pretty"?Before the end of this event, your characters will die. Whether they'll be killed by members of the cast or our Omega NPCs, they won't survive beyond two weeks. The Omega are agents of the government who clean up glitches such as these, and in this case they'll be ordered to execute any irregular members of the population. The method of execution can be as violent as you like. Extreme violence is, in fact, a major theme of the game.

► But what if I want to apply for the same character after the event is over?!Cool. They'll be revived and given false memories, like everyone else.

► Do we have to join the community or add journals to participate?Nope. Everything will be taken care of. Just follow the instructions that will be posted on the first day.

► I have more questions!Ask in the comments, baby. Or head over to our AIM chat: neogenesis.


► What the hell's going on?So these strangers show up out of nowhere. They're even posting to the network, but the ID number keeps coming up 0000000 even though it's obvious they're different people, and that's not even a valid ID number. Meet them in person and they'll probably talk crazy at you, saying they've been kidnapped and this isn't their home world and maybe they even know you from somewhere but you've never seen them before in your life!

► Is this seriously a 4th Wall Event that's completely IC?Yep! Everything that happens in these two weeks is game canon, no matter how crazy.

► But I don't want to break my character that badly!Then call the cops to report the raving lunatics and go hide in your room, you wuss.

► What if my character runs into another version of himself/herself?Cool. Take them out for coffee or something. And take advantage to learn what you can.

► Will our characters remember this event when it's over?Yes. Which is why it's important to take advantage. This is serving as a major memory event.

► The two weeks are up and no one from my canon showed up. It's not fair!Then the trauma of government-sponsored mass execution jogged your character's memory, and they now remember something important! Feel free to give them a dramatic, screaming PTSD flashback scene as this memory returns to their broken little mind.

► Will life ever be the same?No.

► My character won't just stand back and let the Omega kill our friendly visitors!Awesome. Fight back against the Omega! Unite! Resist! Of course, the visitors still die in the end, but you'll definitely take down some agents if you stand up against them.

► ...Can we play Omega agents too?Yes! There will be an upcoming post regarding this.

► You suck, FAQ! I still have more questions!You know what to do.

»»» On to the Event Introduction!

*mod plot, 4th wall

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