Feb 03, 2009 19:00



Due to recent events that have wracked the city, the Alpha-Omega has decided to take a step forward in securing the city's safety on a larger scale. And this step involves making sure that the citizens in the city stay there.

The time: a few days after the incident with the gang wars, the fires, the blackout, the escape of the dangerous figure from the Alpha-Omega research facility, and the violent incident in Elysium. Characters will be interrupted in the middle of their daily lives, around 7:00 PM. The city will freeze for a split second -- anyone around them will seem to seize to a halt. Even other player characters. This will last for approximately three seconds.

Then, any characters with supernatural powers -- whether they know of these powers or not -- will feel these powers flare up for a brief moment. These powers will manifest themselves at close to full potential for a split second, before everything fades.

Approximately five minutes later, they will come back to their senses, and find out that they have "suddenly gone quiet and blank for a few moments." All televisions are broadcasting special reports on an erroneous experiment taking place in Terra that resulted in a wide-scale electromagnetic explosion, and that some people may have felt a momentary lapse in consciousness, hallucinations, and other mental syndromes. 'Don't worry,' these reports say. 'Everything is under control.'

Characters are free to believe these reports or not, but it does sound rather believable -- especially given that they'll feel quite fine otherwise. Any doctor will tell them that their physical conditions haven't changed at all. And that brief flash of whatever strange powers? Must have been a weird hallucination, right? It's not like anything's changed!

(Oh, but that's what they want you to think.)


The Alpha-Omega has taken note of all the different negotiations and has decided that it wants to secure these 'nations' as permanent prisoners -- namely, by remotely altering all of their memories. While the city is confident in its abilities to keep them locked down, it has been deemed a good idea to ensure that they never make another attempt to free themselves from the city's clutches.

All memories of the fact that they are nations are erased, and they know themselves merely as humans. All memories of other 'nations' have also been erased -- in other words, they have completely lost their identities as nations. However, that is not to say that they're starting as complete blank slates. Instead, they get proxy memories to fill in all the blank spots, including whatever they've undergone with the other nations since arriving at Neo Genesis.

To give an example: England and America do not know each other at all. Complete strangers. However, in his life, England remembers a figure close to a younger sibling that eventually left him. America remembers an older sibling that he left. Another example: Russia and Belarus. They are not related. However, Belarus may have another person that she passionately wants to be with -- and Russia remembers having an equally tenacious stalker/obsessor. Japan may have memories of undergoing an incident similar to what he's faced during his time as a Prisoner of War, just not with the other countries. These relationships can all be replaced by other players' characters that aren't from APH, or by "NPC," whatever you'd like.

So on and so forth. In other words, their current psychological and mental states will not change. Only their memories of the other nations, and of the fact that they were nations -- any memories of people in the city who are not nations will mostly remain, but altered slightly so that the context of these meetings doesn't involve their identities as nations. Those nations who have already had a place in society and hold a job will retain their positions, with only their memories altered. Those nations that were prisoners of war have had their memories altered, and are placed in society in some fitting position.

And as an added precaution, any character who knew of these characters as being nations, have had such memories suppressed. Interacting with the ex-nation extensively (i.e. not in two days' time) may bring back that knowledge, but for the moment, those memories are out of reach. ]


Any characters who have memories that mirror their canon histories will lose one memory. The Alpha-Omega have decided that anchoring the characters more securely into the city will help keep them there forever. These lost memories will be replaced by proxy memories if necessary (e.g., if a character loses a canon-linked memory of a person, it will either be replaced by an NPC character in the city, or will simply forget altogether.)

If possible, keep this forgotten memory something other than what might have been recalled from previous events -- however, if they've only ever gotten memories back from events, then they will lose one of those memories.

Characters who have histories completely unlike their canon histories will not lose any memories. No need for the Alpha-Omega to do anything if they don't remember anything outside of the city, do they?

And as an added precaution, any character who knew of the 'nation' characters as being nations, have had such memories suppressed. Interacting with the ex-nation extensively (i.e. not in two days' time) may bring back that knowledge, but for the moment, those memories are out of reach.


The entire experience will feel vague and hazy -- it really does feel like nothing more than a simple lapse in consciousness for a few moments. So everyone should go back to their regular lives, hmm?

Though -- keep in mind, the Alpha-Omega has also announced a state of martial law. Meaning: the military are now allowed to execute violent action against people who are seen breaking the law. The police will also be harsher on any people who are seen being troublesome.

[ooc ; Event executed a little early because of a busier schedule tomorrow. Any questions or concerns, please leave them here. ]

ETA: [ moar ooc ; you can post here with altered false memories and such, if you'd like to plot things out in this post before confirming anything ]

*plot, *mod post

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