[Thread] fgsdfd

Sep 15, 2008 11:55

Who: Nagi & Genkaku
Where: Terra, primary school thing
When: Uh, after school finishes
Summary: Genkaku is stalking like a stalking thing
Rating: Um...I want to say R
Other: Nope

sdfjklsjkf )

kengamine nagi, genkaku

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striginae September 15 2008, 02:11:11 UTC
If Genkaku had an obsession with Nagi, then it certainly wasn't reciprocated -- Nagi wanted nothing more than to forget that the other existed, to leave his past at Deadman Wonderland behind and start anew. Because dwelling on pain, dwelling on past amounted to nothing -- moving forward was the only thing he could do, right? And so he certainly wasn't expecting any visitors that day. And certainly not from Genkaku ( ... )


striginae September 18 2008, 15:47:38 UTC
A wracking cough at the bitter taste of smoke trapped in his throat, making it harder to breathe, harder to think -- but still, pale violet eyes never left Genkaku's face, even as narrow fingers dragged his head up for a moment before letting go. Ever taunting, ever mocking. Shallow, panting half-breaths, bruised lungs struggling for air -- and two words, hissed in low tones, "-- not here."

Fingers clenched into fists, shoulders shaking with every gasp for air -- words caught between a plea and a demand, between fear and fury. "-- the children are -- innocent. You -- cannot harm them." A dull pain was spreading from his chest, acid flowing through his veins -- but what did it matter at the moment. No, no, he couldn't let his students be harmed -- couldn't let someone else take the fall, not again.

Even through mangled words and a staggering attempt to rise -- a ragged choke-cough to clear the lingering shock of nicotine -- the determined glare never wavered. (I can not fall.) "-- you are employed by the senator. His -- reputation is ( ... )


hypermonk September 20 2008, 04:10:51 UTC
Strong fingers took the thin cigar from his lips and he tipped it with his forefinger, letting the ash fall to the ground and just below Nagi as the monk smirked and silently mocked the dark-haired man. "You can make any innocent man in a villain, you should know that." Another inhale "And any villain can be a saint, doesn’t mean children aren’t cruel as shit."

So Genkaku was employed by the senator as nothing but a bodyguard. So what? How the hell could that ruin Johan’s reputation? It didn’t really matter anyway. "Heh. I’m more free than you are." And he removed the cigar from his mouth and tilted his hand to place the lit end closely to Nagi’s forehead. This was probably going to hurt like hell. "Look at you, it’s fucking gross man." Tone was full of mocking and pseudo-disgust as he pushed the lit end of the cigar against Nagi’s flesh. Scent of disgusting charred skin smell.


striginae September 20 2008, 14:15:11 UTC
Smoke and embers and a mocking sneer -- taunting words as drops of ash dotted the floor -- and Nagi, his determination wavered for the slightest moment. If he dared to accuse Genkaku of anything, then the information would no doubt be turned around, the blame pointed back at him -- and in this city, it was all too easy for anyone to manipulate evidence. (So everyone said. Those who had power ruled, in the end. Justice smothered under the hands of the cruel.) And violet eyes widened when the bright, burning end of the cigarette was pointed at him, accented with harsh words.

The scent of skin burning, charring -- and the splitting pain that shot through his head -- Nagi fought to swallow his voice, endure in silence, even as his flesh smoldered. (I will not fall to your level.) A choked gasp, as he reached out with a hand, gripping at Genkaku's wrist -- fingers shaking in their attempt to prise the other's hand away. Voice marred by the slightest tremors. "-- Your filth is unbearable." Not even sure of what he was fighting against, ( ... )


hypermonk September 21 2008, 18:35:28 UTC
Did Nagi truly believe that Genkaku was listening to his words? No, he wasn’t interested in the shit that dribbled out of that useless mouth and he focused more on the burnt flesh. He drew the cigar back into his lips and inhaled, he could practically taste that flesh that lingered on the end of it. And maybe it was a bit wrong but Genkaku let out a groan nonetheless before looking back down at the pathetic mass ( ... )


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