[Thread] fgsdfd

Sep 15, 2008 11:55

Who: Nagi & Genkaku
Where: Terra, primary school thing
When: Uh, after school finishes
Summary: Genkaku is stalking like a stalking thing
Rating: Um...I want to say R
Other: Nope

sdfjklsjkf )

kengamine nagi, genkaku

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striginae September 15 2008, 02:11:11 UTC
If Genkaku had an obsession with Nagi, then it certainly wasn't reciprocated -- Nagi wanted nothing more than to forget that the other existed, to leave his past at Deadman Wonderland behind and start anew. Because dwelling on pain, dwelling on past amounted to nothing -- moving forward was the only thing he could do, right? And so he certainly wasn't expecting any visitors that day. And certainly not from Genkaku.

It had been a long day, and the classroom was finally empty -- all of his young students sent on their way home -- and he stood at the podium organizing papers and books. He was due for an evening class at the neighboring high school in a few hours, and had his mind on getting some work done before leaving -- when the sound of booted footsteps, and the faint shadow of a figure in the doorway caught his attention. One of the parents, perhaps?

(Ah, that would have been the better option, to have been able to maintain this pretense of normalcy.)

It took only half a moment to recognize brilliant hair and that lazy half-smirk -- half a moment more before he immediately backed away, stance guarded and wary. One hand strayed upwards for his shawl -- a habit that manifested itself whenever he was uneasy -- while the other hovered above the razor at his belt. (No, I cannot fight here -- not here, not where the children may still be around.) Artificial voice controlled and cold -- "What are you doing here."


hypermonk September 15 2008, 02:25:12 UTC
"Ya know, Owl. I’m kinda jealous of your kids." The monk replied as he turned his head to watch a few of them run off. "I mean, they don’t deserve you."

Of course Genkaku was aware that Nagi could blow his head off at any second -- but it kinda didn’t matter really, not when Genkaku could just nullify the Deadman shit, not to mention he had two large machine guns that were on his back. But no, no he just wanted to have a little chat with a old friend and so the monk with a proud and tall posture started to walk towards Owl.

"Can’t I just--" He paused as he settled an elbow on the desk, lazily flipping through the text books with a bored expression. "Heh, what the hell are kids learning these days." And for a few silent moments he continued to flip through the pages before looking towards the other. His mouth pulled into a slightly violent smirk and a hand running through his hair.

"Catching up on old times ain’t such a bad thing, right?"


striginae September 15 2008, 02:37:30 UTC
It was a precarious gamble that he was playing, and he watched with narrowed eyes as the other drew forward. Unsure if Genkaku was merely waiting to turn to violence, or truly just wanted a conversation. (Poor Owl, wise of the forest, but not of its hunter -- had no idea that what little power that he held was nigh useless now.) And he couldn't help but bite down the tiniest tendril of fear that crept up his throat, as narrow fingers flipped through the textbook -- colorful drawings staring up amidst the array of words.

(You already stole the one person I love from me. I will not allow you to harm anyone else.)

"The children are innocent, there is nothing that they do not deserve." The hand hovering by his belt clenched to a fist, nails digging into the skin of his palms. "Least of all myself."


hypermonk September 15 2008, 02:58:17 UTC
Was what this? Was Nagi giving Genkaku a lecture? Oho and this self-bashing was pretty funny too. Did Nagi suddenly reduce into a puddle of angst? Well couldn’t blame the guy really - but Genkaku always thought it was cute either way.

"Come on, man." His lips twisting into a feral grin and eyes narrowed in a serpent-like fashion. "They kinda give nothing back." But what the hell did kids have to do with the conversation anyway.

He tilted forward slightly and then grabbed the guitar case from behind his back, the corner of his lips turning upwards. "Gotta say though, kinda want you to listen to my new gig." Fingers unzipping it. "Kinda for your chick, you know? Well, before I killed her anyway."


striginae September 15 2008, 03:11:43 UTC
During this short exchange, Nagi had remained still behind the podium, limbs locked in place out of some form of forced self-control -- but all this shattered at the sight of the guitar drawn from its case, and filthy words that fell from loose lips. ( -- you have no right to speak of her as such -- ) In an instant, he'd slid his palm past the razor, heralding a rush of blood from the wound -- swirls of crimson circled him slowly, forming the familiar spheres -- and he fought to keep down the faint taste of anger at the back of his throat.

(No -- no, this is what he wants, don't give in. Do not show rage, do not show fear, do not show him what he wants.)

"This is not a place for you, nor your music." It was only with effort that he managed to keep his voice the same cold, forced flat -- eyes following the movement of narrow fingers across the polished guitar's surface, as a pair of blood orbs continued to circle him. "I ask that you leave."


hypermonk September 15 2008, 14:16:05 UTC
Uh oh. He was going to start using fucking bombs now? Not really such a good place since there were still kids around and shit but that self-serving smirk didn’t waver on the monk’s lips -- instead it turned into a full feral grin. He let the case of the guild fall to the ground and strummed a few strings before turning his attention back to Nagi.

"Ya know, Owl." He laughed in a low deep voice. “It’ll kinda suck that this place gets blown up. guess you could care less about the place blowing up.” And then he tilted his head to the window. "See that kid out there? wonder what’s going to happen when his parents find guts and stuff along the ground."

Another laugh. He was enjoying this, and it obviously showed. "Can see the headlines now: Freakshow decides to plant bombs everywhere and blow the school to hell." Wait wait, he was just over-doing it, wasn’t he? "Well...blow the room up." a hand reaching to the beads around his neck. "Or do ya want me to evoke Katsu?"


striginae September 15 2008, 15:18:10 UTC
Damned if you do, damned if you don't -- for the briefest instant, the swirls of blood wavered in the air, a perfect mirror of his hesitation. This truly was the worst place for Genkaku to have shown up. A ruckus would drawn the attention of the children, who would no doubt show up out of curiosity -- and it was unlikely that they'd be spared on basis of their civilian status. (I cannot drag them into this mess, I cannot allow them to be harmed --)

Dripping brilliant red streaks through the air, the explosives retreated, hovering uncertainly behind his back, as Nagi bit his lip, searching for a way -- any way -- to drive the other away from this place. (You cannot sully this place. Not here.) There was the sound of small footsteps running by in the hallway, and a childish voice shouting, noises that would have been a joy under any other situation.

But now -- "What do you want of me." It was a statement, rather than a question, and a foolish one -- negotiating with a madman would hardly work, but -- perhaps. "The lab has declared me unsuited for further research, and I have no relation to your current employer. You would gain nothing of seeking me out as such."


hypermonk September 16 2008, 05:53:42 UTC
Genkaku smiles like the devil once the words came out of Nagi’s mouth -- It’s hilarious really, how such a pacifist can let such animalistic impulses seep though and the monk can only scoff in amusement.

It took a few moments of bemusement before the monk took a few more steps towards his prey.

"What makes you think I want something?" He asks with a shrug. "Can’t even see a good ol’ friend, cause some freaks yearn for their kind."


striginae September 16 2008, 06:01:36 UTC
The only thing separating them now -- the distance of a few steps, and a flimsy wooden podium. Trapped between an approaching demon and the wall behind him, Nagi swallowed hard -- stilling the faintest tremors that shook his hand. (He'd tried so hard to leave that past behind, to forget those white-washed walls and sadistic games of the twisted Wonderland, but things never worked out so well -- it continued to chase him ever onward.)

"Yearn for their kind?" The tiniest edge of anger had crept in his voice, sharpening his words to a cold point despite all attempts to control himself.

A half-step back, his back pressed to the wall -- one hand almost desperately clutching at the shawl about his throat. "Do not make such ridiculous jokes."


hypermonk September 17 2008, 03:16:00 UTC
With a hand running though his hair the monk turned to face the other. He tilted his head in a mockery fashion and let out a low chuckle. Owl always needed a fucking reason, didn’t he? Well Genkaku thought it would have been fun to just push it a little further.

"Yeah, you know. Your chick was yelling for you when I killed her. Gotta say she was one hell of a freak." He scoffed. Lowering the guitar and resting on the head.

"But whatever. Damn...she was one of a kind though. But lets get down to serious business since that was years ago. Kinda need to get over it." But he knew that Owl was always one to be on the defensive side. "Come on Owl. Bet the senator could use a guy like you."


striginae September 17 2008, 03:29:27 UTC
(You have no right to make such judgments about her, it is not your place, you of all people do not deserve to even speak of her--)

Ever calm, ever cold, it was difficult to ever find Nagi agitated -- except now, except when possibly the one person he truly loathed was standing before him, making a mockery of the person he'd loved. Teeth gritted to bite back the harsh taste of anger, he nearly attacked, then -- nearly lost himself to the meaningless emotion called rage -- when drawled words stopped him in his tracks.

"-- the senator?" Even artificial words were tinged with traces of disbelief, and eyes darted towards the exit -- at the far end of the room -- before fixing a hard stare back at Genkaku. "-- you are asking that I work for the senator? With you?" (Those last two words, colder than anything, like ice, like frost.)


hypermonk September 17 2008, 04:15:16 UTC
Genkaku’s expression changed into something of bemusement at that monotone voice shake with disbelief. This was just like a game to him, and if anything then it was getting boring.

"Why not?" Oh right, you killed his lover. He took another step forward until he was only a foot away from Nagi, and of course if that floating balls were to explode then they would go down together. Genkaku knew he could rely on Johan to take him (right?) but who the fuck did Nagi have? "You know it's pretty rude to refuse."


striginae September 17 2008, 11:50:32 UTC
"I refuse." An answer given with no hesitation, in a low voice that was almost a hiss. (You speak of 'rudeness' -- but I could never bear to work alongside the man who killed her.) The bloody spheres behind him bristled, returning to their orbit around him -- the last distance between the two of them.

"I do not know what you intend with that offer, but do not think that I will be so easily intimidated into it." One of the orbs -- a brilliant red -- glided by, arm's reach away from Genkaku's chest. "Please, leave."


hypermonk September 18 2008, 03:51:34 UTC
Well what could the monk do; of course it would be rude himself to not leave since Nagi asked so nicely, and obviously pointed out that the monk himself was nothing but a hindrance (in a much more violent sense of course) and he looked down at the orb that hovered just above his chest.

"Mm..." He hummed as he grabbed the beads around his neck and placed it to his lips, violet eyes still stalking Nagi with a feral expression. "You think I’m just going to forget about you, Owl?" Then a low scoff as beads were pressed between strong fingers. Genkaku turned around and with a smirk he whispered in a hardly audible tone.

If Genkaku was going to go; he would not go without giving Nagi a form of violent affection, and when he whispered softly under his breath large beams came out to hit the dark haired man. "You’re gonna learn one day."


striginae September 18 2008, 04:08:45 UTC
It had almost been -- easy, for a moment. Or at least, it had seemed that way. All it had taken was two words, and then Genkaku was turning away -- but things never, ever worked out so smoothly, did they? Because the harsh whisper and the leering glance, the clatter of prayer beads only proved that leaving peacefully had never been an option in the first place.

The slightest flash of movement, and Nagi instinctively brought his arms up to shield himself, the blood orbs shooting forth before him -- but it didn't make a difference. A barrage of light that barreled into him, slamming him into the wall, heralding the crash of the chalkboard behind him shattering. ( -- what -- how )

Every last bit of air driven out of his body, he collapsed on the floor, fighting to breath, to move, to remain conscious. All too aware of the rain of broken plaster from the cracked wall, of the demolished classroom front. And all that he could do through battered lungs and the taste of blood from a torn lip -- watch as the other turned away, eyes fixed on Genkaku's back in a narrow-eyed glare -- part full of anger and part full of fear.

(What manner of monster have I attracted.)


hypermonk September 18 2008, 12:34:22 UTC
He was meant to leave. Meant to go out that door and go back to Elysium but temptation got the better of him when he noticed Nagi in such a pathetic state. His lips twisted upwards in a vulgar fashion as he walked over to him. And easily just dodging those red orbs of crimson and even though it may have not been worth it, it certainly was for Genkaku to see that petty shithead on the ground like the scum he was.

"Damn...you gotta stop being so cute like that." The monk said in a chipper down as he crouched down and let strong fingers wrap around Nagi jaw line with a bright smirk along thin lips. "Ya know...I kinda wanna take you back. Not only to work with me, but you know the world needs more people like us."

He could have picked up the wounded dark haired man, could have carried him off to Elysium and 'Have his way with him' in a must different sense, but he only shoved that dirty face aside and placed elbows on bent knees. Strong fingers dragged out a thing cigar and he placed it between his lips. "Or would you like weekly visits from me?" A inhale of smoke. "Nah, course not. Should just surprise you instead. Could always show me off on show 'n' tell." He exhaled the smoke directly on to Nagi.


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