[THREAD] i know the world's a broken bone

Sep 05, 2009 21:55

Who: Yosuke, Nill, and Shikamaru.
Where: Terra, their apartment.
When: After being returned home from BR.
Summary: The aftermath.
Rating: PG-13?

Darkness- that’s all there was to her afterlife, and if she had been a religious person that realization might have been concerning, but Nill has never known enough to believe and so the darkness doesn’t scare her; there is very little left of her to be scared. She couldn’t feel, couldn’t think, couldn’t hurt and that was fine, because she had just left a very scary and hurtful part of the world and she did not want to go back there. So Nill lets herself drift and become disconnected, because it is the safest option for her, the kindest thing she can do for herself, and she does not want to see the world she lived in the way she had left it.

The world is not kind, though, not in the least, and something latches onto her and drags her back up, out of the darkness and she was afraid; No, no, please, don’t send me back there, don’t, don’t, I don’t want to hurt anymore-

Suddenly she shoots up, and the blankets wrapped around her startles her, scares her, and Nill thrashes wildly against them until she falls off the bed with a dull ‘thud’, head banging against the ground; frantic, she pushes away from the bed, pushes herself across the floor and huddles in an empty corner of the room, hands over her head (ears) and eyes shut tight as she cringes away from the world. No, I’m sorry, please, stop, I want to go home, I want Mello IwantMello. It takes her a few moments longer than it should to realize that she wasn’t in any pain; that her legs were still there and her fingers were intact and she could still see out of both eyes. The small girl lifts a hand to her face and feels but can find no new marks against her flesh, no blood or protruding bones, just her face, clear and intact. What? Hesitantly she lifts her head, inspects the room she’s in and blinks. She was... home? When had... How...?

If she was back, then did everyone else get to go home too? (Was she really home? Had it been a dream? Just an awful nightmare, one she wouldn’t remember in a few minutes? ...no. No, Nill would never be so lucky.)

shikamaru nara, yosuke hanamura, nill

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