[THREAD] to my motion FATIGUE : f a r e w e l l

May 01, 2009 22:38

Who: Kengamine Nagi & OPEN
Where: the streets of Abyss
When: late afternoon to early evening
Summary: Owl of the burning forest, searching for some familiarity.
Rating: T (to start?)
Other: Start a new thread or hop onto a pre-existing one with permission, I'm good with either.

like an introvert, i drew my over shirt ; around my arms and began to shiver violently before ; you happened to look and see the tunnels all around me ; running into the dark underground )

senji kiyomasa, kengamine nagi, the corinthian

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striginae May 2 2009, 03:15:23 UTC
To be honest, Nagi hadn't really expected anyone in Abyss to recognize him, and although he knew at the back of his mind that Crow was out there somewhere, he'd never really made the connection that he might run into the other here around the streets. It really was something of an amazing coincidence, wasn't it? But the first shout of his codename only served to startle him, it had been so out of the blue, and he looked up with a start, scanning the streets with shoulders tensed, wondering if he should be on guard?

But no, it wasn't difficult to spot the familiar figure down the street, what with the discontent grumbles of other people being pushed aside, and Nagi returned the wide-armed wave meekly, though cheerfully. And weaved down the street, between the people who were rather quickly making their way away from this eyepatched hooligan. Regardless, Nagi drew closer, a faint smile on his features. "Senji-san, I haven't seen you in a while."And of course, there was the faint hesitation born from the fact that this man seemed to ( ... )


striginae May 4 2009, 03:01:39 UTC
The air had grown noticeably heavy for a moment, and Nagi immediately regretted having given that answer. No, no, this wasn't the way to go -- the point of drinking was to raise the atmosphere, wasn't it? And so he threw back his glass, downing the liquor in one shot and taking a sharp breath in.

A dull sting was already working past his temple, cheeks slightly flushed -- he'd never been much of a drinker even back when he was younger -- but he ignored it, instead giving a small laugh. "I suppose it does have its advantages. I doubt I'd ever be affected by a sore throat." Absently refilling his glass, he looked curiously towards Senji. "You seem to spend most of your time looking for fights -- may I ask why?"


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striginae May 4 2009, 03:36:35 UTC
"Just...?" Holding the ceramic glass in both hands, Nagi gave a curious tilt of the head. "So -- just for amusement's sake?" It was a line of thought that he would probably never be able to understand. Fighting wasn't exactly the most pleasant experience, was it? (His moral hesitation about fighting, of course, had long since been slaughtered by his new 'master's' command.)

Sipping slowly at his glass now, to slow the process of getting drunk, he mused for a moment before speaking. "I suppose it must be a nice way to live, then -- if you're able to live doing what you enjoy must."


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striginae May 5 2009, 00:23:28 UTC
The sort-of-shrug was missed, for the post part, as Nagi distractedly topped his glass, determined to keep the mood light for this outing. And at the follow-up question, he gave an ever-so-slightly-drunk laugh, thoughtfully propping his chin on an arm. "Just the simple things, I suppose -- reading, mostly." Pause, as he sipped at his drink, smiling sheepishly. "It must seem somewhat mundane, but it's a decent way to spend time."

Sinking back into his seat with a small sigh, he rubbed at his cheek with a hand, looking back to Senji. "And yourself? Or is searching for worthy opponents a full-time occupation?"


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