[Thread] By the way I know I'm falling.

Apr 21, 2009 04:24

Who: Shikamaru and Yaha.
Where: Yaha's home.
When: After this and this.
Summary: Shikamaru thinks Yaha's the one who killed Deidara, and he's the only one who can see justice done now.
Rating: R for Yaha. And possibly brutal murder.
Other: I don't know how this will end.

Shikamaru was already sitting in front of Yaha's door. It was funny, he'd worked so hard over the past few months to avoid his neighbor and coworker. Yet there he was, luring Yaha home. He hoped it hadn't sounded too suspicious... After all, Yaha would normally be the last person Shikamaru would call, even if he was lying outside his house bleeding to death. With any luck, Yaha would be too distracted by his glee to notice how unusual the circumstance was.

He'd had some time to calm down now. Discovering Deidara's body had broken him up inside, but Shikamaru was pretty sure he'd be okay. Hidan was taking care of the auction. Soon Deidara would be back, alive and safe. All Shikamaru had to worry about was taking care of the killer. And the killer was Yaha, right? The timing couldn't just be coincidental. Deidara had rejected Yaha's advances while Yaha was unstable over the loss of his last slave. So he'd killed Deidara in the hopes of buying him off the death auction. From his own experience, that was exactly the kind of thing Yaha would do. He was sick and perverse and greedy. He would take something that he wanted, even violently.

...But why did Shikamaru have this nagging feeling that something was off?

He pulled one knee up to his chest and laid his forehead on it. You're just being a coward again, he scolded himself. You can't hesitate now. For what he's done to Deidara, and for what he's done to you and Hidan, this sick bastard has to pay.

"Yeah..." he whispered in reply.

yaha, shikamaru nara

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