(no subject)

Mar 27, 2009 18:01

Who: Rokuro Bundou, Nataku
Where: Liebert Manor
When: Evening
Summary: Why do anything yourself? Rokuro convinces Nataku to kill for him
Rating: PG-13
Other: Fuck Mel Gibson

His patience teetered on the brisk of exhaustion and the vanilla ice creams equipped in his left and right hands had degenerated to sloppy piles of failure seeping over the cones and imbuing his fingers with extremely unwanted stickiness. The fault lay with the mansion security; the boneheads wouldn't acknowledge him as a regular visitor, but eventually tenacity prevailed and he was permitted entry.

The kid relinquished his miserable treats to the ground and parted from the mansion after firmly instructing the mansion staff to keep an eye for his arrival. He ambled back minutes later, only one ice cream in hand. Hell, he wouldn't mind treating himself but money was tight, and business taken priority over pleasure. The entrance business had him in a sour state of mind as it was, but the worst lay ahead, Rokuro braced himself for a conversation with Nataku.

His search began at the first floor, past redwood doors and darkened corridors, in retrospect he had mused it would have been wiser to inform Nataku of his visit."This fuckin' stinks......."

nataku, rokuro bundou

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