[Thread] Nun versuchst Du Deinen Weg zu erkennen...

Mar 27, 2009 11:37

Who: Johan and Nataku.
Where: Elysium, the Liebert manor.
When: Early afternoon.
Summary: Johan finally has some time at home. Nataku is so happy about this.
Rating: PG-13.
Other: Eek.

There was a stillness in the house that meant most of its residents were currently elsewhere. Thankfully. As much as Johan so often reveled in the chaos created by his menagerie, he was wearied by their presence. Johan, at heart, was alone and preferred to be alone as often as possible. There was only one with whom he ever wanted to spend every waking moment of his life, and she was no longer here.

"Mm..." He paused in his trek down the corridor, his attention caught by a vase of roses sitting on a side table. Not only that, of course, but it served as an excuse to delay. He reached out, fingertips brushing burgundy petals which were drier than they were meant to be. Someone had been neglecting their water.

While he inspected these flowers, he waited. He wasn't completely alone in the mansion, and one who was all too eager to see him was quickly approaching from some direction. Yes, he waited to be discovered just like that.

johan liebert, nataku

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