My two favorite X-Men and my two favorite comic book characters. I have been dreaming of this pairing for years. OH HELL YES!!!!! THE EPIC OTP!!!!! Or should I say, OXP. The only thing that could equal this level of awesome for me if this were Scott and Peter Rasputin or Scott & Bobby. I could roll with that too.
I don't give a fuck if everyone else on the planet hates this pairing, I AM LOVING THE HELL OUT OF THIS!
And I know white comic book fandom is flipping its shit.
EWWWWWWWWW! THAT'S GROSS! or She's too good for him.
White folks always say that about a WOC in an interracial pairing but notice they never mention who would equally worthy for her and it usually results in her being alone and undesired.
And of course let's not forget racist white folks' favorite coded phrase for throwing shade on interracial pairings:
They just have NO CHEMISTRY.
And yes the irony of the blatant racism in a fandom of a comic book series that's based on the Civil Rights movement is not lost on me either.
Why this pairing makes perfect sense? Scott has evolved and has come into his own as a powerful leader. He's a master strategist who has bested the likes of Norman Osborn and Dracula without even trying. He's the overachieving perfectionist golden boy with an edge now. He has Xavier's idealism but Magneto's pragmatism which makes him arguably the best leader for mutants (along with Storm).
He's an alpha male with a sense of nobility and that's the type of exceptional men that Storm goes for. As I've mentioned in the past Storm is a hybrid of Jean Grey and Emma Frost. Jean was the quintessential ingeniue: the girl next door who was coming to terms with her vast power while Emma is the anti-Jean; the accomplished femme fatale, the bad girl, regal, refined powerful. Like Jean, Storm is very nurturing and compassionate, beautiful and possesses a unique charisma while she is hands down the most sophisticated and classiest X-Man. On her best day Emma can't hold a candle to Storm. With Storm being a combination of the two characters (possessing the best characteristics of both) it's little wonder why she and Jean were close as sisters and yet she has a long bitter rivalry with Emma.
And before anyone gets it twisted, I used to be a huge Emma Frost fan from back in the day. Actually not that long ago. In fact, I’m almost convinced that the current Emma isn’t the real Emma Frost but a Skrull spy left over from the Skrull invasion. Because villainous Hellfire Club Emma Frost, badass. You couldn’t fuck with her. Generation-X Emma Frost, the shit!!! This train wreck right here, a hot mess. The writers (read: straight white male fanboys) have reduced a powerful and respected femme fatale to some posable fuck puppet (who no one respects but only tolerate because she's sleeping with Scott) who deflects her constant lying, scheming and insecurities with cattiness with other female X-Men members. This is why Emma has clashed with every major X-Woman in her quest for dominance: Rachel, Kitty Pride, Dani, Rogue, Wolfsbane, Storm, X-23, the list goes on and on. The REAL Emma Frost never had to pull that shit. She never had to soil herself with such pettiness. It's beneath her.
And while the writers keep trying to make the Emma Skrull happen and establish her as the queen bee of mutants, like everyone else, they realize that honor goes to Storm, who is not only the fiercest of the X-Men but the First Lady of Marvel.
Tru Fax! Tru Fax!!! And what was that bullshit again about black women being undesired? My man Scott doesn't think so.
Awww, racist white fandom, are you mad? Y U MAD?!!!! Awwww you mad? Good! NOW PLAY WITH IT!!!! STOP!!!! ROTATE!!!!!
Now if you'll excuse me, I have a new OTP to celebrate.
[commences with arm flailing and booty popping]
Hey Shakira, I see you taking notes, go head on girl. Watch out now Beyonce, I don't think you can handle this. See Eve Torres, let me show you how it's done!!!!