The Best Movies You Never Saw

Jun 27, 2007 03:50

Okay, so maybe not the best movies. But damn good. Third Man Out and Shock To The System are funny, sweet, relatively interesting (I must admit that I didn't watch them for the plot, though the plot was surprisingly good) and surprisingly well-acted, but was surprised me the most was how *hard* it was to find anything fannish connected to the movies. No fanfic, no fansites, no screencaps (and that, as I shall soon illustrate, is just a crime against humanity), nada. Not even a teeny tiny LJ community.

Thus, I feel it is my duty to pimp these movies. For they are pretty, and happy-making, and, well, really underrated.

Ten Reasons Why You Should Watch Third Man Out and Shock to the System

10. We have two guys with great chemistry who you really want to get toget--wait. They're already together. WOO!

9. Sebastian Spence. When I saw that he was playing one of the main characters, I was kind of skeptical, because I remembered watching the stray episode of First Wave and not being bowled over by his acting skills. But he worked! He's improved! He's...really hot.


Obnoxious Man to Don: You agree with me, don't you?
Don to Timmy: Uh... do I?
Timmy: No, you don't.
Don: Nope. I don't.

7. Don and Timothy are unashamedly besotted with each other.

6. People either seem to be hitting on Don or hitting on Don.


John Rutka: You probably think I should be shot and killed.
Don: No, actually John, I don't. That probably puts me in a very exclusive club.

4. The movies aren't porny, but it does have some nudity and pretty men in intimate positions.


Tim: You have no appreciation for my integrity at all, do you?
Don: I *love* your integrity. You wanna take it to an empty room, we can try it with the rubber gloves?
Tim: You're disgusting.
Don: That's why you love me.

2. Timmy. Timmy, Timmy, Timmy. He's sweet, hot and unexpectedly snarky. You see Don, who's reckless, and impulsive and who runs around and hits people, and then you see Timmy, who comes across as a little stuffy, very proper and very neat. And then he goes and says something so quirky, or says something in chorus with Don, or they both crack up at the same time, and it just makes SENSE. He grounds Don when he's being too hotheaded, and gives him a push when he's not being hotheaded enough.


To finish, my pimper in crime svendra has her own pimpalicious post here. She's more thorough in her pimping, giving more background and story to the movies.

Tomorrow, I might make a proper quotes directory for the movies. Not that I'm, you know, obsessive about this or anything.

fandom: donald strachey mysteries

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