Third Man Out - Quotes

Jun 28, 2007 12:40

What do you mean, obsessed? I have no idea what you're talking about

Timmy: You have no appreciation for my integrity at all, do you?
Don: I *love* your integrity. You want to take it to an empty room, we can try it with the rubber gloves?
Timmy: You're disgusting.
Don: That's why you love me.

Timmy: Who’s your mystery client?
Don: Nobody special. I turned it down.
Timmy: You turned it *down*?
Don: Yes.
Timmy: Honey, have you looked at our bank account lately? I mean, the house, the car, we’re in some trouble here, Don, you can’t afford to turn down a job.
Don: It was John Rutka.
Timmy: Turn down the job.

John Rutka: How’s Senator Glassman these days?
Timmy: How did you know that-
John Rutka: That you’re her Chief Aid? It’s my job to know these things. She’s got a good voting record in gay rights. Wish the rest of the state senate was like her.
Timmy: Oh good! So maybe you won’t feel obliged to destroy her and I’ll get to keep my job.
John Rutka: I do what I do for the good of us all.
Timmy: Yeah. You’re a regular Mother Teresa.
Don: O-kay. Timmy, I think maybe you need to take Doctor Watson for a walk.
Timmy: I just did.
Don: I think he needs to go again.
Timmy: Okay. Excuse me, while I out my dog for the good of us all.

John Rutka: Have you ever been shot, Don?
Don: As a matter of fact, I have. I didn’t care for it much.
John Rutka: Neither did I. But that doesn’t matter to you, does it? You probably think I should be shot, and killed.
Don: No, actually, John, I don’t. But that probably puts me in exclusive company.

Rutka’s neighbor: Well, I’m not nosy or anything, but ever since they moved in there’s been some party, some meeting, some damn thing going on; pardon my French. I’ve got nothing against those two guys, mind you, but it’s always gay this, gay that, gay, gay, gay. Enough already with the gay.

Timmy, looking up at chandelier: What the hell is that?
Alison: I like it. It’s kind of campy.
Timmy: I didn’t order campy, I ordered minimalist.
Alison: Well, it adds a certain character to the room.
Timmy: Are you kidding me? It looks like Liberace threw up all over my ceiling.

Don: Well, don’t you think it’s a little bit strange, not to know when you’re in somebody’s will?
Rutka’s sister: Okay, I think I get the drift of this. Let me tell you something, okay? John was a royal pain in the ass, but he was family and I loved him. And if you’re thinking for one second that, what, I murdered him for half a bowling alley and a house, you’re out of your fucking mind, okay? So, excuse me, but I have to go bury my brother now. (to Bub) What a jerk!
Bub: Always that subtle, Donald?
Don: No. Usually, they hit me.

Timmy: Donald, do you think it’s a good idea to let him go off by himself like that? I mean, what if something happens?
Don: Go to the window. Go.
Timmy: Okay.
Don: What do you see?
Timmy: Nothing. No, wait wait, there’s Eddie walking down the street.
Don: Uh huh. Look across the street, there should be a big blue car, couple of guys in it, probably drinking coffee.
Timmy: Oh yeah. Eating donuts. (pause) Police! Ha!

Timmy: Have I told you lately that I think you’re a genius?
Don: Not lately.

Zenk: I’ve heard about you. You’re that little nancy boy Drew running around town causing trouble.

Timmy: Don…when I’m…when I’m gone-
Don: Shh-shh-shh!
Timmy: Just listen to me. I don’t want you to be alone. I want you to find someone. Someone…fat and ugly with a very small penis.
Don, grinning: You bitch.

This is by no means exhaustive, but it's my favorite lines. If you've got a quote to add, feel free to comment and I'll put it in. :)

fandom: donald strachey mysteries

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