~Angelic Pretty at PMX~

Oct 07, 2009 14:17

Hello there.
Many of you know me, and some of you may not (well this is in my personal journal, then hopefully you all know me ^_^ ).

I would like to inform everybody that I am on staff with Pacific Media Expo (PMX) and part of the Fashion Department team, who is bringing you the “Angelic Pretty Wonderland Tea Party,” and Fashion Show at this year ( Read more... )

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Comments 16

kuramew October 7 2009, 21:38:54 UTC

Despite not being a part of this year's staff, I am really glad to see that you have posted this. It helps to clear many of the misconceptions associated with this year's Angelic Pretty event and I hope that many find it helpful in their decision to attend this year.

Again, I really want to say "good luck" to this year's staff!

Even though it was a lot of hard work, I have never regretted working the past two years, as many many girls really look forward to this fun opportunity.

See you there!

- Lauren


neku_niku October 7 2009, 21:46:25 UTC

your support has been a life saver when trying to keep focused and not let myself get caught up in mud slinging.

it is exciting for me to know that this year you can sit back and enjoy the event w/out any stress what so ever! it is for Women like you that we are working our butts off!! <3


deedlelu October 7 2009, 22:13:39 UTC
Ahh this is exciting, I hope it turns out to be an awesome event. I don't understand all the backlash which I am thinking might just be from a few people being very vocal.

Like you stated, AP is a company and they will do whatever is in their best interests. I hope people can see that and either work together or take the high road instead of causing a silly war over something that is just business.


neku_niku October 7 2009, 23:54:53 UTC
it will be an awesome event, but my blood sweat and (already some) tears will go into it!!!

we are working our butts off and pulling in as many favors as humanly possible!!!

speaking of which.. you don't happen to have access to a large scale printer do you? ^^;;;


sekiria October 7 2009, 22:15:26 UTC
Thank you very much for posting this. Given a lot of the heat that has been generated, I am glad that you had the guts to step forward and bring some answers to a lot of questions people have been posing towards the involvement of Angelic Pretty with PMX. Plus, now that I know that a seasoned veteran from the previous Angelic Pretty events is on board, I feel much more encouraged that the PMX lolita events will be a success!

I am looking forward to seeing what great surprises the staff will put together. :)


neku_niku October 7 2009, 23:57:14 UTC
as far as "seasoned veterans" there is more then just me ^_-

and no matter what anybody else said, YES there are *real* Lolita's behind this event and we are going to do everything in our power to bring to you guys the best event possible.

working with in the confines of PMX does bring up it's own crazy bit of annoyances and confines, but I think most of us work better with some sensible guidelines and deadlines!


clueless_case October 7 2009, 22:15:44 UTC
Now that I am no longer overly shocked and upset.

I have no beef with you, so nothing is personal. I am definitely reserving judgement on this whole ordeal because things definitely aren't adding up. Hell, it really might be AP that's playing all of us.

But this goes back to something a PMX staff mentioned. If PMX really did try to extend this olive branch, by inviting AP to do a Friday panel last year? Of course, they were turned down due to the fact that it was kinda too little too late since Oneesan had their timeline for setup and stuff all done. Why couldn't they ask Lynda this year? A compromise of sorts.

Yeah, before ppl get on me being omg you work for her. I wasn't involved in any of the past events/run-ins. But that's the only thing I find kinda odd.


carmila October 7 2009, 23:48:17 UTC
Maybe AP just wanted to deal with PMX themself and not go through a middle man. It makes perfect sense to do so because it is less complicated for them.

But I do see your point as well. Who knows why AP decided to do this, but it still doesn't change their association with Candy Star Box does it? I mean most of us still need out AP fix! lol


j9isawesome October 7 2009, 22:38:04 UTC
I'm glad you posted this. Wouldn't it be grand if everything didn't have to be saturated with drama? I'm super excited you posted dates. If I'm able to go I have to be back in the bay area for work by 6. So I'm thinking I'll probably miss the fashion show but will be able to at least attend the tea party. Good luck!


neku_niku October 8 2009, 00:06:48 UTC
I am soo glad you will be able to join our tea party!!! it's always such a pleasure to see you <3

Also i'm super glad I was given OKAY to "leak" the days of the events. please feel free to pass that info around :)


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