Five weeks. . .

Jan 24, 2011 13:03

It's been five weeks since I found out I had cancer.

Some of you know about this already, and some of you are probably hearing about his for the first time. A lot of my friends didn' belive me, thought it was a joke, but, this is no joke. I have early sage skin cancer associeated with my Psoraiasis. (That's the gross stuff on my face and arms and ( Read more... )

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Comments 3

wimoelli April 14 2011, 13:35:41 UTC
Thanks for the information. I think that you should wash your face at least 3 to 4 times a day. You’ll be surprised how much better your face will look.


slabyyduz November 1 2011, 10:01:01 UTC
This article was vey helpful to me. It helped me to be informed and more aware. The details were such a blessing, thanks.


jairkem November 3 2011, 07:00:01 UTC
Plain and simple! I like your work!


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