Five weeks. . .

Jan 24, 2011 13:03

It's been five weeks since I found out I had cancer.

Some of you know about this already, and some of you are probably hearing about his for the first time. A lot of my friends didn' belive me, thought it was a joke, but, this is no joke. I have early sage skin cancer associeated with my Psoraiasis. (That's the gross stuff on my face and arms and stuff.) I remember he day well.

I was at the doctors office waiting to see if I could get approved for a Shot that would dramatically decrease the psoraisis and possibly help me to live a better, more self esteem filled life. Or so I thought. He told me that I couldn't get on the shot, but not for the reasons that I though. Instead he told me he had to star me on a different drug, Chemo.

I sat on his table, wih his hand on my knee and I just stared at him. I've been living with this horrid disese for so long, that I've almost stopped noticing the stares I get whenever I take my jacket off. Or when I lift my arm up. This stupid incureable disese has ruined a good bit of things for me. It stopped what might have been a high end modeling career, it's forced me to not be able to wear some things. . .and now, It's cancerous. This is just great.

I left his office with a order for a bunch of tests to confirm, which turned out to be multiple blood tests, of course. (Most of you will remember that Needles send me into a screaming fit of hysteria.) After a week, I went back, and sure enough, it was confirmed. I was to start Chemo therapy The monday after Christmas. I was to take the Chemo for 12 weeks. It's the High dose Chemo pills, not the drip, which is better, but not much. . .

One of the side effects of the Chemo is that it may make the psoraisis go away. If not, the doctor is going to put m on something that will make it go away, after the Cancer is gone.

It's been four weeks that I have been on the chemo. Most days, it's pretty tolarable, but some days, it feels like I've been hit by a train. I feel sick every morning, which is a running joke between my friends, that I'm pregnant.

Anyway. I'm 1/3 of the way there, and now today, I have to start the second month of Chemo, which is going to be stronger. I'm staying positive, because that's half the battle. :)

Anyway. I'm out for now. Will be back later for more updates.


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