Oni-Con, 2010 REPORT~

Nov 01, 2010 16:32

Soo, finally, it was here. There was a lot of Sweat, Blood, and Tears along the road to this con. (I mean that pretty literally.) Let me give you a quick rundown of previous events before I start on about the con.

About a month ago, My Cosplay Partner, Junie, and I attended Afest, which we were invited to as cosplay Judges for the competition. We accepted and thought it would be a super fun amazing con. Little did we know, that, it would be our last con as Partners. The actual con, was great. We had a great time Judging, and got to hang out with some old friends, and for me, make some new ones. Buut, due to event sbefore the con, I was pretty upset the entire weekend, which caused a bitchy like behavior.  Without getting into detail, we fought. Bad. We broke up. Thus ending the Cosplay Duo that was sure to be the next big thing, 'The Alliance'

NOOOOOW ONICON!~ We were supposed to guests, but due to the month before, I was going to be the guest there. Weeellllllll, due to work, (OMG. JUST REALIZED YOU GUYS DON'T KNOW. I'm not with the Sheriffs office any more. I am now, a Photographer, and a Part time Makeup artist with MAC cosmetics. ^.^ ) Anyway, due to work, I was going to be able to attend. Until the Monday before. I found out, that my boss had a mix-up, and it was green-lit for me to go. YAYYYYY!~~~ So I called mah Jacqui and we made plans to drive there.

The drive there: We left Thursday night, around 7pm. The way there we had suuuuch a good time, singing various songs at the top of our lungs, Including the 'Oh Happy Day' scene from Sister act 2. LOL Trying to make good time, she was speeding, and it wasn't until we saw the flashing lights behind us, we knew it was too late. . .Yup. Got a ticket. 85 in a 65, Which we didn't know was 65. It's normally 70 on the interstate. Still would have been speeding, but, a bit less.

Anyway, we got lost. Go figure.  But, we made it. Around 12pm. Greeted by Candice and Lee, the owners of the con. they were awesome. They treated me really well! Got checked in, and me and Jak Jak, went to bed.

FRIDAY: Woke up, got into street clothes, for a Oni Meeting in the Convention Ops room. After that, I went upstairs and changed into Seifer, from FFVIII. Walked around nearly all day. Nothing too exciting happened on this day, except I got to hang out with the other Guests, Like Jerry Jewel and Greg Ayres and whatnot. Mel and Jon showed up late that night, and we ended up hanging out in the room.

SATURDAY: Woke up, stayed in street clothes for a while, didn't want to get into Halloween D, until later, when I would Be emceeing the cosplay contest with Clover. (AHHH) Ran some panels, ate lunch, layed down, showered, Dressed, and then, Cosplay Competition. It was packed. It was ridiculous. Like,  for serious. The seating was horrible. Which, is weird, because it was the same room, and better last year. ::Shrug:: I thought I did terrible at Emceeing, but I was told I was good, not sure what to believe. Anyway after that, I went to my room to have my first talk with Junie since the Afest Breakup. Went well, got some things off our Chests, and comforted Lauren who was upset all weekend.

Later that night, there was DRAMA. Of which, I don't want to get into. Still can't believe any of it happened, but you know.

SUNDAY: Hung out with some people. Including Micheal Tatum, played the friend card and got him to record something for me. LOL (He said he was happy to do it, Said, that If he ever needed a costume, he'd play the friend card with me. XD ) Drove home with Jak Jak, and then, Watched the saints game with Mel, Jon, Tonia, and the Kids. All together, a Good weekend. Now, I want to just. . .sleep, eat, and watch Wrestling tonight!

Until next time guys, Stay Beautiful!~

oni con count d junie alliance cosplay

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