Title: Fourth Avenue Café
Author: neko-fish
Pairings: Akame, slight Ryopi
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Jin's a successful artist when a fight with his friends forces him to seek stress relief in a little café where he meets what he considers, the strangest people.
Chapter 1 (
Look over there! )
Comments 24
And the chibi Jin " I give you somethng special....... not another bug.... ha ha for cute and adorable.
I hope you'll not kill Kame with some uncurable disease.
And BTW, is there anyway you can fix the comment posting part with bigger front, I can't see what am I typing at all. Thanks.
i'm really sorry =S
But what's wrong with Kame? *wibbles* I'm getting this bad feeling in my stomach.....
Anyway will Pi and Ryo be able to meet Jin's crush next? ;D
“Holy crap I can’t believe I fell for that-Jin! Get back here!”
XDD Jin is such a dork...and I can't believe Pi fell for it either X3
I bet it was Kame, Jin's first kiss, right? But for some reason he doesn't remember him...or was it so long ago that with the years passing by, he simply forgot?
that shrieking jin part is so... jin. lol. haha
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