a sonnet

Jul 01, 2008 23:21

so here's my first independent sonnet (I once helped my classmate with those as their club project, so I never did a complete one...until last night) I always wanted to try and write my own, but never did until now xD

A sonnet is a poem consisting of 14 lines following a rhyming pattern.

Timed Chimes and Writing Bets

A I usually go unprepared

B But tonight I'm all set

B Ready to write to beat this bet

A As music through the speakers blared

A They think it's too loud but I never cared

B Spent a long time thinking and this is all I get

B Don't worry I'll have this finished don't you fret

A Wrote as far as I dared

C Hope I finish it in time

B But it's not through yet

C Does everything really have to ryhme?

B I'm trying to avoid regret

C But can you hear the chime?

B It's about time to end this stupid sonnet


Title sounds like something from Panic, ne? >.<

sonnet, newee

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