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Comments 11

offthebalcony January 3 2009, 00:23:40 UTC

THAT STORY IS SCARY D: Walkie-talkies always end up like that though. One time, we picked up the police radio LOL which was amusing to say the least. Ha.

I celebrated NYE by getting ridiccccccculously drunk (so much that I could. not. STAND.) which was stupid and making out with a random, which I am not proud of at all. But I danced a lot, which is funtimes. Yessum

But mostly HAIIII and now I'm going to re-read your fic because GUH, YOUR WRITING.


nekare January 3 2009, 20:04:30 UTC
Ahaha, was it like on tv? All those 'code 447, go to sector 9!' stuff?

That actually sounds like a rather great time! XD


sunshineclouds January 3 2009, 02:00:05 UTC
¿Verdad que es horrible cuando tienes una experiencia así? :S Pero que bueno que no pasó del susto :)

YAY!!! ¡Ropa nueva y libros y dvds! :D Y más yay!!!! por tu fanfic que sabes que siempre super disfruto :D

¡¡Feliz 2009 Ale!! Ojalá sea un excelente año para ti :)


nekare January 3 2009, 20:03:20 UTC
Me la pasé toda la noche toda paranoica, jaja. Peeero en fin.

Gracias! A ti también, Sarah, que te vaya muy bien este año. :D


sarie_gamgee January 3 2009, 10:21:08 UTC
Mmm, shopping and getting girly things. Yo hice más o menos lo mismo aunque por Portobello y Brick lane (que por alguna razon me recordó a ti y me hizo pensar que te gustaría, aunque ni siquiera se si te va el estilo vintage).

Yo celebré el cambio de año dando bote por Trafalgar square, bebiendo demasiado y haciendo maratones de LotR y Merlin. Muy tonto todo, pero creo que ha sido el año en que lo he pasado mejor xD

A ver si 2009 es todo lo awesome que mereces (cuando te vas a Leeds, a todo esto?) &hearts&hearts&hearts


nekare January 3 2009, 20:02:11 UTC
Si me agrada, aunque de todos modos casi cualquier cosa que invuelva ir de compras me gusta, jaja.

Si suena todo genial! :D Maravillosa combinaicion, diria yo. :3 Ya me voy en 20 dias me estoy muriendo de los nervios... o_O


chrryblssmninja January 3 2009, 18:45:07 UTC
Johnny Rockets!!!1!

What food in the US have you tried?


nekare January 3 2009, 20:00:43 UTC
Well, probably every fast food joint ever created, haha. What I really haven't tried is all the different ethnic stuff from other countries, but I really should.


chrryblssmninja January 4 2009, 03:33:12 UTC
ooh, good pasta and Thai and dim sum and pho and everything


nekare January 4 2009, 04:11:16 UTC
Pho I've tried and I loooooved it. It was in NYC, though, and I haven't been able to find any place in here that sells it, woe. Thai and dim sum are still mysteries to me XD


swedish15 January 4 2009, 08:34:03 UTC
Yeah, Haunted was good; but I liked the 5 Nightmares better.

Oh, and Thunderbolts. Somehow, Norman Osborn is a better protagonist than antagonist, and Songbird is cute.


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