TOPIC 2: My mind is expensive to maintain.

Oct 05, 2019 10:19

Twice a month I go to the neuropsychiatrist, and it doesn't feel like too much changes. Maybe one adjustment a visit, that's not much, is it? Mainly a lot of questions get asked, a lot of notes get taken. It feels more like a check-in to make sure I'm not nearing a total breakdown than it is any kind of desperate attempt to normalize things. I ( Read more... )

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Comments 27

m_malcontent October 5 2019, 14:38:05 UTC
Yuck.....hope there is a solution. Insurance is so messed up in the US.


negativecon October 8 2019, 17:46:39 UTC
Everything with our healthcare system is so messed up. I'd hope more people gave enough of a damn to vote for people who'd change it, but I don't know how optimistic I can be.


suesniffsglue October 5 2019, 19:47:06 UTC
Oof. I really feel for you here. You put your feelings into words perfectly. As a person who works in the psych community I so appreciated your -iatrist and -ologist differentiations. Medical care here blows. I have no insurance and it can be so stressful.


negativecon October 8 2019, 17:48:04 UTC
Thank you for your kind words.

I'm sorry you're stuck without insurance, that's such a rough place to be in. I hope things can become less stressful for you somehow.


alexanderscttb October 5 2019, 23:18:12 UTC

... )


negativecon October 8 2019, 17:48:14 UTC


alexanderscttb October 5 2019, 23:28:30 UTC
It does floor me whenever people make the argument that something as essential as Health should be handled by the "ethics" of the Free-market. I am just going on what I have experienced vicariously through your very well written account, but, it seems that the several thousand dollars worth of medications that you are on . . . aren't doing enough in regards to Healing you. . .
Perhaps I am crazy, but I do feel like the key to medicine would/should be, finding the root cause of a symptom, and then, getting rid of it. . .


negativecon October 8 2019, 17:51:20 UTC
Well the truth of it is, not everything can be healed, and I'm okay with that. There's no getting rid of trauma or schizoaffective disorder or autism, it's all about coping and/or embracing. The meds are supposed to help cope, and they do keep the worst of things at bay, which I am grateful for.


tsuki_no_bara October 6 2019, 16:18:06 UTC
i wasn't expecting this to go where it did, but i liked where it ended and your comments and tone are totally valid and understandable. (well, not the survivor's guilt - i mean, you should never feel guilty for getting the care you're entitled to - but it's not for me to tell you how to feel.) health care in this country sucks.


negativecon October 8 2019, 17:52:30 UTC
Thank you for your kind words. I try to feel okay about getting treatment, it's just hard when most of my friends are still stuck without insurance. Healthcare in this country truly is a nightmare, you're right.


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