Drabble: Paper Wraps Stone (mild spoiler for 12.10)

Mar 10, 2006 10:45

Title: Paper Wraps Stone
Author: SpikeDru
Rating: FRC (U)
Disclaimer: Not mine. Never were, never will be.
Spoilers: for 12.10 (All About Christmas Eve)
Content Warning: none. No swearing at all. I must be ill.
Author Note(s): drabble. This sort of links back to Abby's questions to Neela from 12.09 as well so it might be a trial run of a longer fic I have in mind.

Ray knew Neela, could always predict her next move. Apart from the impulsive marriage thing.

But he knew how she arranged her textbooks. How she treated grocery shopping as a military campaign. How she sang along to Bollywood tunes whilst washing the dishes (if she thought he was out). How she looked, wide-eyed and wind-blown, after a lakeside run. How she smiled sleepy thanks when he got them beers after a double. How she hid nervousness and stress behind a scowl. How worried she was about Michael’s parents and this Christmas.

And how she always, always chose paper after stone.

Feedback is my friend and yours. Also, I baked a load of cookies last night. Just sayin'.
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