fic: TMI (drabble)

Feb 21, 2006 21:14

Title: TMI
Author: SpikeDru
Rating: FRT
Disclaimer: Not mine. Never were, never will be.
Spoilers: 12.07 The Human Shield
Content Warning: contains mild sexual suggestion. Very mild.
Summary: how can you surmise a drabble? Neela finally convinces Ray of something.

Naturally, they ended up discussing it in Admit.

"What? No!"

"It’s just for three nights, Ray..."

"So? Stay in your room. I’m not clearing out because you’ll be getting your groove on."

"That’s what bothers me. The walls are really thin, Ray! I don’t want know..."

"They’re not that thin!"

Neela folded her arms. Deadpan. "Oh! Oh, Ray! Oh God! Yes, Ray, yes! Right there! Do it, guitar god! Harder! Oh! Ooooooh, god YES!"

Jerry and Pratt started applauding.

Ray gulped. "I’ll stay at Brett’s then," he muttered.

"And Ray?" Neela raised her eyebrow. "I think she was faking."

Whew, well, at least it's out of my head now.
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