12.07 The Human Shield (UK screening)

Feb 22, 2006 14:51

I'll try to stop posting so much soon, I swear. I'm in the first giddy flush of a new 'ship obsession...if this one is going over old ground, delete it, list mod person!

I've got a few thoughts on 12.07
So the title doesn't just refer to the little girl, Sydney, does it? Because Neela is shielding Ray, and Abby is trying to shield Sydney from the fight between Luka and the new guy, and Pratt is shielding PJ or whatever his name is.

In Roomie terms, Neela's really going out on a limb for Ray. She helped him last week by deciding not to bother with parental consent nor to report the fact she had a 14 year old female patient who had had sex (which, by my understanding, she should have reported to social services and/or the police). Now's she's refusing to let him 'fess up to stop him ending up in jail. Surely this is risking her career more than looking after a little fuzzy ape was?

There's also the lovely "I'll ditch if you will" scene, in which she invites him to take Gallant's place at dinner, with mondo eye-contact and the exchange
"I like the way you think, roomie."
"Stop calling me that."

And, obviously, her screaming as Ray is beaten up. You just want the immediate aftermath hurt/comfort scene, don't you?

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