New Fic

Apr 04, 2005 02:26

Haven't had a lot of time lately, but I found myself with some extra time tonight. Also, this is the first fic I've written resembling anything close to smut involving Ray & Neela. So if it totally sucks, please tell me so I can burn it.

Title: Sleep to Dream Her
Author: shadow_diva
Rating: FRM (Fan Rated suitable for Mature persons)
Spoilers: None.
Content Warning: Sexual content
Disclaimer: ER and its characters are the property of Michael Crichton, John Wells, Amblin Entertainment and Constant C Productions. No infringement intended, please don't sue, yadda yadda yadda.
Summary: Written for Challenge #1: Dreams. He used to dream about stupid things. Now he dreams about her.

Notes: Since aquagals got into Neela's head, I thought I'd invade Ray's. ;)

Sleep to Dream Her
© 2005, By: Ash Carroll (a.k.a. Shadow_Diva)


"Door's open."

She slips inside as you glance toward the door. "You didn't tell me you were home."

You shrug, wiping the beads of water from your shirtless torso. "Thought you were sleeping."

She shrugs back. "I tried. Wasn't tired enough, " she eyes your chest, "but maybe you can help me with that."

Her hands reach for the hem of her camisole and your jaw goes slack. You wonder if you're drooling as she pulls the thin garment over her head and tosses it to the floor, baring her breasts in all their glory.

She approaches you with a coy smile. "Of course if you're not up to it-"

Oh you're up to it, all right.

"-I can call someone el-"

Your mouth cuts her off mid-word and you crush her body against yours, the skin-on-skin contact sending a shiver up your spine as her swollen nipples pebble against your chest. You thrust your tongue against her lips and she parts them, meeting it with her own.

She moans against your lips and stands on her tiptoes, hands braced against your shoulders as she tries to gain better access to your mouth. You have the height advantage and you lift her up by her buttocks to even it. The kiss is broken, her breasts rubbing against your oversensitized chest. You groan in response and she shudders, wrapping her legs around your hips as her mouth finds yours again.

You brace her against the doorframe, sliding your hands across her skin. Skimming up her ribcage, you cup her breasts, kneading in circles until her nipples protrude against your palms. She whimpers, snaking her arms around your neck as your lips leave hers, the need for oxygen overwhelming.

Your mouth trails down her chin to her throat. She moans and arches against you, fingernails raking across your back as you growl her name against her collarbone.


Your hands move to the small of her back, supporting her as she arches further forward, dark hair cascading between her shoulder blades like an ebony waterfall.


Your name is little more than a breathless moan as you move from her collarbone to the tops of her breasts and still lower, circling a swollen nipple with your tongue before closing your lips around it.

She gasps, inhaling sharply between her teeth as she arches against you, hands braced on your shoulders. "Bed," she manages to pant, and you acknowledge swiftly.

Adjusting your grip, you move from the doorframe, lowering her to the mattress as gently as your eagerness will allow. She pulls you with her, moaning your name as your mouth finds its way back to her breasts, feasting on one then the other.

She writhes beneath you, running her fingers through your hair as she arches upward, grinding her hips against yours. It's almost more than you can take; your sweatpants growing tighter and more uncomfortable by the moment. She feels it, too, because the next thing you know, she's undoing the drawstring on your pants.

Her hand travels past the waistband - fingernails just skimming the vee below your abs - and it almost sends you over the edge. She's almost where you need her to be; just a little...further...

You jerk awake, bolting painfully upright. Jesus Christ, not again. This is the third time this week in as many days, and you know there'll be four more to follow it. Dragging a hand over your face you try to catch your breath and will your pulse rate back to normal.

You used to dream about stupid things - phantom labcoats, fencing scalpels, dancing surgical gloves.

Now you dream about her.

So vividly you're amazed you haven't had to wash your sheets yet. You snort softly at the thought. Yeah, sure, you'd have a fun time explaining that one to her.

Speaking of explaining, you gingerly pull yourself out of bed and pull open the door as quietly as you can, hoping she's not up for a glass of water or something so you can make it to the bathroom without her noticing the tent in your sweats.

She's not, and one icy shower later, you're back in your room in a clean pair of sweats, toweling your shirtless upper half dry. You freeze mid-pat, hearing her voice on the other side of the door.


You push away the flutter of nerves and respond. "Door's open."
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