
Dec 16, 2011 09:32

It's been a busy (busy, busy) few weeks. I've mostly been keeping my working hours sane, but it's still a bit of a struggle to make sure I sleep enough. Let alone do anything interesting enough to post about.

But I've been managing to depress myself by looking up the stringent restrictions on my hanging about here. It's made worse right now ( Read more... )

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Comments 4

braver_creature December 16 2011, 16:23:20 UTC
I hear you on the immigration/work stuff. Actually on the "Dammit, States..." side as well.

Basically I had to stop reading the news a week ago because it was actually starting to interfere with my daily functioning :P

I'm in Tier 1 General, and in a slightly precarious situation. I have over a year to sort myself out, though. I am banking on "a lot can happen in a year".


necaris December 19 2011, 11:11:21 UTC
IIRC 'old' Tier 1 General is still residence-track, right? In that you can apply for leave to remain having been here for a few years? Or have they changed that :S


braver_creature December 19 2011, 11:27:55 UTC
Well, it used to be you could apply for residence after 5 years

The only problem is that any time under a student or post-student visa "doesn't count". So by 2013 I'll "technically" only have 3 years, despite the fact that actually I'll have 6. I can get an extension into the "new" Tier 1 as long as I have made income above a particular threshold int he 12 month period preceeding the extension.

There are probably more minor changes, some of which could even be to my advantage. I'm finally gonna just break down and consult a lawyer in the new year because this is a mine field.


necaris December 22 2011, 04:25:04 UTC
Ah, I see, so you do have a transition track but it's not a smooth one :-(

Yeah, its such a swamp and changes so often a lawyer is a good bet...


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