
Dec 16, 2011 09:32

It's been a busy (busy, busy) few weeks. I've mostly been keeping my working hours sane, but it's still a bit of a struggle to make sure I sleep enough. Let alone do anything interesting enough to post about.

But I've been managing to depress myself by looking up the stringent restrictions on my hanging about here. It's made worse right now because I've been following the dangerous ignorance of legislators back in the States who seem determined to ensure that there'll be no viable industry for me to go back to.

On the bright side, it's looking like the startup will be able to keep going for a few more months. The additional funding should be enough for us to pay ourselves a bit, too. Since this is the season of pithy one-liners about life, the universe, and everything, I wonder what the moral I'm supposed to take from all of this is. "If you can't find a job, create some, and then be forced to leave the country" doesn't quite have the right ring to it.

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