names on the Internet

Jan 02, 2012 18:37

(First of all, and mostly unrelatedly: Happy 2012 everyone!)

I imagine I'm not alone in having mixed feelings about Twitter, but over the last year and a half I've got from disdainfully abstaining to occasionally using the service. Now that a new calendar year is here, and the startup is looking like it's in good shape, I'm increasingly convinced by my co-founders' arguments that I need to build more of an online personality, and Twitter's a good place to do it.

There's one small stumbling block right now. On Twitter, I'm currently necaris_ -- some random person seems to be cybersquatting on necaris (which rather annoys me because I'm necaris in most places on the Internet). The trailing underscore is awkward, but I'm not sure what I'd replace it with.

I want to keep necaris in there somewhere, but the only thing I can think of so far is necaristhegeek, which may seem self-deprecating. Any ideas?

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