tool time

Feb 07, 2012 16:18

Many people have commented on this phenomenon, and it remains an oddity that despite the advanced operating system(s) I run on my fairly advanced new computer (which I will post about when I've got it set up exactly how I want it), I spend most of my time with a text editor and a terminal emulator.

Many people have also commented that one should use the best tools available, and when those tools are themselves quite powerful and configurable, they should be set up optimally. I don't claim to have a perfect setup by any means, but I have got it to a point that is pretty productive for me, and I thought I'd share, in case it helps anyone else.

Now, I'm mostly a Python developer, so my Python development setup matters the most to me. On the shell side, this consists of virtualenv (augmented with virtualenvwrapper) and IPython. To make IPython and virtualenv play together, I'm using a bit of custom configuration code, adapted from another recipe I had to spent far too much time hunting down.

On the editor side, I use Emacs and Flymake (with some more custom code to glue it all together). I'm still very new to Emacs, and although I have made some customizations I have a lot to learn and a lot to add.

That's it for me. What environment(s) do you use? What kind of customizations have you got in place?

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python, beware the geek

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