Right after a
second Haruhi game for the Wii had been announced, it was revealed that the
first Haruhi Wii game will be losing its dancing segment. That's right, the game known affectionately by the fandom as the "Haruhi Dancing Game" will now no longer have any Wiimote dancing feature.
Instead, a whole bunch of odd mini games have been added instead. There's Haruhi telling your fortune, the "Mikuru Remote" which has something to do with her Mikuru Beam attack, janken (paper-scissors-rock), a baseball game, &... something called "Nagato Viewer," where you seem to just watch Nagato read & make subtle movements in the club room for as long as you want. Like I said, odd.
& while we're on the topic of Haruhi Suzumiya, the upcoming Haruhi-chan & Nyoro~n Churuya-san
online anime shorts will indeed be done by Kyoto Animation, with basically the exact same staff that was
announced for Haruhi season 2. So why are they doing this instead of the new season then? Oh, & they're also doing the new story for the second Haruhi Wii game as well.