Fan favorite anime studio Kyoto Animation has announced that they'll be working on the anime adaptation of the comedy manga "Tonari no 801-chan." The story centers around a yaoi fangirl with an otaku boyfriend. But when her yaoi obsession grows too strong, she becomes a little green monster called 801-chan (which can be read as "ya-o-i" in Japanese).
It was already announced awhile ago that the manga would be receiving an anime adaptation, but the fact that Kyoto Animation is doing it is new information. KyoAni is currently busy working on the
second season of Clannad, & has previously announced that they'll be doing the
second season of Haruhi Suzumiya. But the fact that they've announced yet another anime to work on instead of solidifying season 2 of Haruhi has many fans worried. Haven't we waited long enough? It's also interesting to note that 801-chan is confirmed for 2009 (Winter or Spring season, I'm sure), but Haruhi still remains "undetermined." Though there have been rumors of KyoAni splitting into two-lines of production (I'm sure they'll be doing an anime adaptation of
Little Busters soon enough as well), they might be doing both at once. Guess we'll have to wait & see.