I've been offline for over a day, and it's a day that had a season finale in it and a season opener that a lot of my friends watch. Wish me luck, I'm tackling the friends list... hopefully I'll get through before the second explosion of the Who premiere!
My thoughts on Torchwood's Exit Wounds )
Comments 23
I don't think RTD is in any position to be criticising Primeval for being too white, given the way Dr Who and Torchwood have gone.
Oh, and I've just watched the first ep of Who. It was absolute pants. I don't think I can stand 13 weeks of Catherine Tate yowling like a fishwife.
ETA: I know, the Doctor gets a single line about it, but that's not the same, IMO.
And if the rumors are true that they're making room for Martha, then it has a very ugly undertone of suggesting that only one minority character is sufficient, and two are too many. Note that Tosh already had next to no interaction with Martha.
And I think 'introducing Martha' = 'only one minority character' is reading far too much into the 'text.' Martha and Tosh wouldn't necessarily have much contact; she was working mostly with Owen on the medical matters, and she and Jack had a pre-existing relationship. Tacking a scene in just so two characters who happen to be minorites can interact wouldn't make sense (and would probably feel completely tacked on).
"Horrible things happen here!" is a theme in this show. Owen-not a minority-being a zombie-horrible. That stunt Suzy(?) pulled on Gwen with the Resurrection Gauntlet-horrible. Jack-dying a zillion times in pain-seeing all his normal friends grow old and die-horrible. Ianto's Cyber girlfriend-horrible.
(And though this is the wrong post for it, I too am squeeing over the Who premiere. Aw.)
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