Firstly I'd just like to say thank you to everyone who has read my reviews (be it one, all or a handful) throughout this season. Also thanks to those of you who have commented on them (again be it on one, all of a handful); I've certainly enjoyed the discussions we've had. I know there have been times that we haven't always agreed on parts, but
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Comments 53
Right ;) Or he is already there. We don't know when this scene took place. It could be, while Gibbs was working hard on his new rule (*g*) or hours/days later ... We will see. But either way: Jackson isn't going to die.
Hmmm, I see what you're saying, but I respectfully disagree that she and Bell helped him at all; they just made it much, much easier for the cartel to do what they did. My take was Bell, Hart and cronies did all the work and the Reynosa took advantage of it. Otherwise why wait for nearly 20 years to track Gibbs down?
Oh, no. They didn't help in on purpose. They wanted to hurt him/bring him down (or find something to blackmail him)= get him out of the way. And by investigating him and approaching him, they indirectly warned him. So that he could act rather than react (when it was already too late). So, as you said: They made it much easier for him (without knowing it or wanting to)
I found it a 'meh' rule as well ( ... )
They wanted to hurt him/bring him down (or find something to blackmail him)= get him out of the way. And by investigating him and approaching him, they indirectly warned him.
That is true, but that in no way makes either of them good folk, IMO.
Nici's rule #1 (1=most important one): Don't expect too much of NCIS (or any other TV show).
Oh, I never do expect too much. You know me and my realistic pessimism, so I have low expectations as it was, thus to end up with something even lower, it hard going :-(
For me it's S1&2 I could watch over and over and over and over. I'm not sure if it's above or below S6 either. At one point it was definitely above, but now I'm not sure.
I think we can indeed assume it didn't *g* He's grown on me. Oh, I agree, it was very much a filler scene :-( And in truth it could have gone, ditto the opening squad room scene (also fun) and hence the two in one episode *sighs* I think it was a bad mistake to have them missing, actually. Given they'd made a big thing about the ceremony, there was no reason for the whole team not to be there. It was sloopy and pointless writing.
Well exactly! But he must believe in it, otherwise he wouldn't keep saying it, would he?
Well quite! He's hardly going to have said 'fine, Dad, don't worry, I didn't really mean for you to go, just thought I'd see what it sounded like *g*)
Wasn't it just? Giles when he came in the look, his voice, what he said and how he threw the spell at Willow *shivers* It wasn't quite like that, no. But good that they did keep it a secret.
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And yeah, it was a pretty major plot point :P
But then he had to do it, didn't he? Because the plot had to move forward. A shame in some ways it had to be him and didn't come out some other way as those folk who don't like Tim can use it as more reason to dislike him :-(
(now go write some Gibbs/Ducky smut.....yes, I AM in a MOOD!)
Bless you.
*Grins* Not today, I'm afraid. Now the stage where my fingers are finding it hard to hit the right keys. I have been up for 12 1/2 hours *g*
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