Took me forever to just login into this stupid journal thing. Gay readonly mode. ROOAR! Im bored as ever! its raining now. I remember the first time i saw it. I was a baby and it reminded me of everything i had learned (which wasn't much) and how much my family would always be near me and protect me. But now its changed. Everytime i see rain i
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Comments 1
Since I have been talking to you, you have made me happier and made me realize what things really are important. YOU ARE SUCH A GREAT GUY! It is really strange to talk to a guy who actually seems like he understands you and doesnt judge you for it. Ive just been through hell and back with my Ex. I'm over it and him, now. People just shouldnt treat others like the way he treated me. Its okay though. But, I think you should be happy!!! Its raining outside. But, the sun will be out tomorrow. Thanks for being there for me. No matter what I will be there for you. <3
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