-- The description of Bush 'grinning like a gargoyle' and his sheer fucking glee over the prospect of death & destruction in a 4:1 battle, just makes me love him all the more.
-- This has to be part of the crazy. I swear. HH musing that Maria wants to ask Lady Barbara to be the expectant baby's GODMOTHER. O.o AHAHAHAHAHAHA. Probably in his wildest dreams. But omg. Factor that into the baby-snatching. Or not.
-- I was saying this to
quigonejinn earlier. I wish I actually knew something concrete about battle tactics, and whether or not the stuff that HH pulls, especially at the end of SotL, it total asshattery or just original thinking that is brilliant beyond measure. I mean, it plays out that way because he is successful. Up to this point. And Fortuna has always sat on his shoulder. Up to this point.
So accepting the fact that part of what is driving him is the fear of ridicule and disgrace, is this HH being good and clever, or just some sort of asshattery that looks good after the fact when you get away with it, except that this time, with the Sutherland, he didn't?
-- HH in these descriptions of battle regularly looks around for Bush. Needing to see where he is and what he is doing. And it really comes home with the maiming. Not to mention in the previous paragraphs, HH watching Bush at the guns and thinking that Bush can't wait to fire. And that the result will be legless Frenchmen. Always with that fear of losing limbs, and being left a cripple. And yet, he does it to Bush despite Bush wanting to die on the deck of his fat-bottomed Dutch girl. It's just creepy.