My husband has the same reaction to bananas and avoids them at all cost. Similar itchiness with some fruit. He also gets food stuck in his throat frequently which may be related. Not really helpful I guess since he refuses to look for help with the issue but yes, there are other banana intolerant people out there! We often get weird looks of disbelief when it comes up in conversation because it's uncommon.
getting food stuck in his throat is most likely due to him eating something he is allergic to. I have no problems as long as I stay away form the foods I am allergic to. Once I eat a peanut (or pineapple, celery, tomato, almond skins, wheat, barley, rye, gluten of any kind, soy) then my throat starts to close up. It doesn't swell shut, just enough to cause anything I eat to get stuck in there.
not necessarily. you just havent had fun till you get WATER stuck in your throat.
pretty much the first swallow of *any* food i eat, or anything i drink, gets "stuck". for me, its a spasm in the esophagus, not a swelling in my throat.
for the record, i have allergy to latex, which also carries over to a lot of fruits and vegetables. (they have some of the same protein strings in their makeup, so you get the same sorts of allergic reaction.)
Just as an aside, my father had this issue. Sometimes it was severe and the food wouldn't go down his esophagus at all. He would have his esophagus stretched, an outpatient procedure, and it would help for a time. I sincerely hope there is a better option nowadays.
OP, sorry, I can't offer anything but sympathy. My family and a couple of friends are severely allergic to poison ivy, and as a result we all have to avoid mangoes. They cause the same itchy symptoms you describe. Fortunately mangoes are easy to steer clear of.
I remember talking to my doctor about that when I first noticed bananas were an issue, but we determined it wasn't a latex allergy. For work/volunteering situations I have to wear latex gloves all the time and I've never had a reaction to them, thankfully!
this. i also am wondering what other fruit is giving the op trouble, because there are many related fruits and veg that cause the same reaction as latex/banana. since latex is pretty much obsolete/not used anywhere but some labs, it is not recognized as a true latex reaction.
can you tell i have a severe latex allergy? i carry an epi pen for that and shellfish/anything from the sea, and there is an entire list of fruit and veg that i cannot eat or i will get horribly ill. same with our son, poor thing. our daughter is not allergic, loves bananas, but we can't even have them in the house.
the seafood allergy may actually be an iodine allergy.
that said, i'm sorry your allergic reactions are so severe! (i have latex allergy, plus react to a lot of fruits/veggies. while mine isnt as bad, it still sucks massively.)
I have the same issue with apples, cherries and especially peaches or almonds. I can eat apples and peaches if they're cooked so I've learned to accept it. The last time I ate a raw peach even though it was thoroughly washed and peeled my lips and throat swelled enough that I sounded like a frog for a couple of hours. After experiencing that, I'm just grateful that I can eat them after they're blanched. Unfortunately, aside from cooking/canning, I think avoidance is the only choice.
I most likely have oral allergy syndrome. I don't have any actual allergies other than dust mites, birds, molds, and pollen. I have gluten intolerance (possible celiacs, but I was never tested). But the list of things I just can't eat is a mile long. It has taken me three years of keeping a food diary to discover I have a reaction to wheat, barley, rye, gluten of any kind, soy in any form including soy oil/lecithin, pineapple, tomato, celery, peanuts, and almond skins (but not the actual almond, I can have blanched almonds all I want! lol). I still have a reaction sometimes, so I am not sure what all my triggers are. I still keep a food diary. I might have problems with artichokes, bell peppers, melons, and eggplant, but the jury is still out on that one. I am not sure how much I want to risk trying to find out for sure. If I eat something bad I get an itchy face, especially my lips, my tongue burns and my throat swells, my Eustachian tubes swell and ache and I tend to get fluid retention in my inner ears. I was an absolute
( ... )
Yup, I've had the same thing for as long as I can remember. Someone once told me that this is the most common food allergy. For me it's mostly carrots and canteloupe/honeydew melons... sometimes watermelon but only if my lips are chapped and it hits an open wound or something. It used to be really bad when I was a kid, but I sort of grew out of it a bit and it's a lot more tolerable.
But I'd also like to mention that I don't have any other allergies to speak of, neither seasonal or asthma. So I must've dodged a bullet if they're related.
Comments 18
pretty much the first swallow of *any* food i eat, or anything i drink, gets "stuck". for me, its a spasm in the esophagus, not a swelling in my throat.
for the record, i have allergy to latex, which also carries over to a lot of fruits and vegetables. (they have some of the same protein strings in their makeup, so you get the same sorts of allergic reaction.)
OP, sorry, I can't offer anything but sympathy. My family and a couple of friends are severely allergic to poison ivy, and as a result we all have to avoid mangoes. They cause the same itchy symptoms you describe. Fortunately mangoes are easy to steer clear of.
can you tell i have a severe latex allergy? i carry an epi pen for that and shellfish/anything from the sea, and there is an entire list of fruit and veg that i cannot eat or i will get horribly ill. same with our son, poor thing. our daughter is not allergic, loves bananas, but we can't even have them in the house.
that said, i'm sorry your allergic reactions are so severe! (i have latex allergy, plus react to a lot of fruits/veggies. while mine isnt as bad, it still sucks massively.)
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