
Sep 15, 2009 21:39

Time: Neutral
Question For: Any nation.
Question: There's this girl and we used to be friends but she started being really mean to me-- she thought I was a nerd because of... you guys, probably xD and I thought she was being a jerkface-- so we decided we shouldn't be friends anymore. Now I have a lot of awesome friends, including these new FOREIGN girls (I live in America... We love us some European foreigners. ^^; ) She's jealous of all the fun we're having and now she wants to be friends with me-- I know she's using me to get to them, though... I don't want to be friends with her but I don't want to be mean either...
So! I need YOUR advice, Nations! What should I do?

Question 2: Who's the most irritating "FRIEND" you've ever had?
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