Firstly, pics of my new car. Okay, technically, it's not *mine* but it's for me to drive to school and stuff, so I intend to treat it as such. So there.
Whoa, LJ's done something weird to Scrapbook *again*.
Best. car ad. ever. I spent actual time searching for that, but the sound doesn't seem to work on my computer there. I have problems with youtube off-and-on, though, so ymmv. I stumbled across this scan, too. I'm a sucker for the appeal to anti-cuteness. This advertising campaign makes me want a Dodge Caliber
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I'm filtering this post because there happens to be a person on my f-list who just finished my Season One DVDs and won't be seeing any episodes from season 2 until I get this tape in the mail tomorrow. And she convinced me to tell her who was at the door a couple days ago, so I have to protect both of us from further spoilers. *g
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Whoo, Kirsten Bell is everywhere right now. And I love that. I saw her on the premiere of 'Blow Out' (reality show on Bravo) last night (totally by accident, but seriously, 'Blow Out' is one of the few reality shows I can actually sit through without getting nauseated). Jonathan was doing her hair for the Golden Globes. It was fun seeing her more
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