Title: Align My Heart, Body And Mind
Pairing: Daniel Agger/Fernando Torres
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: I’m very happy with the fact that they're only based on real people... (Dan, I still love you.)
Summary: “I’m trying to get over you.”
A/N: Inspired to one half by the life of Stieg Larsson and to one half by a Supernatural quote. Talk about strange
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Comments 26
My poor boys :(
Can I have fluff now?
Fluff would be awesome.
I like how you write them, they are so understandable and sensual.
It's like even in their pain, they are perfect
I guess this was always going to be heart-breaky, but it turned out a little more so than I had intended. Thank you anyway. :)
I liked the way we'd been thrown in the middle of their lifestory, without any set ups or explanations...when the present was intertwined with the past through Fernando's memories. It was really intense.
And the last paragraph was pure perfection. I really liked the way the fic begun with Fernando opening the door and then, at the end, when the two of them were only separated by the door... it was like it sumed up their whole story... like they still wanted to be together but something was standing in their way, pre-empting them from being complete...
Well, it seems like I'm unable to come up with better words this story so much deserves. Just want to let you know that I really really loved it.
I wanted to try and explain only what was absolutely necessary of their background to get what was going on, and I really hope it was enough.
*lol* Wow I didn't even notice that it started and ended with the door opening and closing. ^^ But yes, the door summed up their situation pretty well. Poor boys. :(
Glad you liked it, thanks a lot for telling me!
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