Back to Work (Open to Sakurai, Sachiko, Haku and Zabuya)

Jul 12, 2006 23:36

The sun was high in the sky as Kakami calmly walked through the streets of Konoha. A book was in her hand and a pack slung over her shoulder ( Read more... )

haku, rp log, sachiko, kakami, july year 16, sakurai, zabuya

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Comments 53

boy_pink July 13 2006, 19:24:50 UTC

You'd think Sakurai would be used to this by now. None the less, there was a distinct wear down the center of the road where Sakurai had been pacing.

"Don't even answer that! It's NOON. NOON! We were supposed to meet at nine AM- DO YOU UNDERSTAND WHAT NINE AM IS? THREE HOURS, SENSEI! THREE HOURS LOST! We are SO behind schedule it isn't even funny!"


uchiha_sachiko July 13 2006, 19:58:28 UTC
After so many years, Sachiko is still not used to Sakurai's loud voice.

"We knew she would be late anyway." she said, shouldering her bag.

Raising a neatly bandaged hand in greeting to Kakami, she said a casual "Yo." She was in an unusual good mood, despite having so many things go wrong yesterday. It was mostly because of the fact that she finally had a mission without the blonde. Finally.


scarecrow_mask July 14 2006, 03:09:41 UTC
"Maa, maa..." Kakami smiled easily, a hand scratching the back of her head in a sheepish fashion. "I saw a kitten playing with a ball of yarn and stopped to ponder the innocent lifestyle of such a creature."

If anything, that would probably drive Sakurai even more insane but Kakami merely kept smiling and shifted her pack. "Ne, are we all ready to go?" she continued cheerfully.


boy_pink July 14 2006, 03:16:18 UTC
"YES. YES WERE ARE. AND HAVE BEEN. FOR THE LAST THREE HOURS." Sakurai repeated, as if he had not been heard before. Why did no one listen to the only one with any sense!? If Naruko were here, she'd-!

No. No, he did not catch himself wishing Naruko were there. On a MISSION.

Sakurai turned on his heel and stalked out the gate, leading the way without another word.


devil_zabuya July 16 2006, 05:29:38 UTC
The tall, intimidating-looking woman shifted during one of her and Haku's short rests. (They didn't need them, but the longer they were away from Orochimayu, the better--no doubt, she would punish Zabuya when she learned of her lie.) She stared at the ground, thinking of the men she had sent ahead. She had foolishly hoped that Orochimayu would spare them after seeing the size of the bounty, but no more. She knew better now, and in the future she would guard the bounties herself and bring them to their master ( ... )


scarecrow_mask July 16 2006, 07:24:33 UTC
Over the past few hours, Kakami had gradually moved to the front, Sachiko and Sakurai falling behind her a tad. They had kept up an even pace - going between a steady run and a quick walk- and the light was starting to fade quite a bit.

The silver haired woman's steps started to slow. Kakami's sense of smell was rather keen and now she was smelling something...that she hadn't smelt in a very long time.

That's when she appeared. Kakami actually stopped short, not quite able to keep the shock from her revealed eye.

After all...when you bury expect them to stay dead.

"Zabuya..." Kakami's eye narrowed, senses suddenly very alert.

Genjutsu? Henge? It was possible - a way to catch them off guard with shock.


boy_pink July 16 2006, 07:40:29 UTC
Sakurai stared in shock at the woman from where he was a few steps behind Kakami. He looked for any signs of a Genjutsu and found none - he didn't have a Sharingan, but Sakurai was no slouch at identifying jutsu in use. If there was one, it was subtle, very subtle.

"But you're dead!" he exclaimed, ever the tactful one.


rabbit_screams July 16 2006, 07:42:41 UTC
"That hasn't changed." Haku murmured just loud enough to be heard -- behind the group.

She'd sensed it, too, and followed Zabuya-san of course, moving unseen around to come up behind them. She had an idea of what Zabuya-san might be planning... and put herself in the best position for it. Though it didn't mean she had to like it.

She was both happy and disappointed to see that Naruko was not with the group.


Le Escapage rabbit_screams July 30 2006, 01:37:50 UTC
Haku nodded to Zabuya after knocking Sachiko to the ground. She shifted Sakurai on her shoulder to make carrying him easier, and took off into the woods, off of the path. She could smell water in that direction, and a river would greatly aid their escape.

[OOC: Again, as a reminder: Posting order is Haku, Zabuya, Kakami than Sachiko, for this thread. If you wanna pass just IM the next person to let 'em know.]


devil_zabuya July 30 2006, 02:02:18 UTC
Zabuya nodded to Haku, allowing the young girl to go first before turning to Kakami. For a moment, the tension hung in the air, so thick one could almost cut it.
"Kakami..." the tall woman smiled wanly, "I'm sorry."
Taking off after Haku, she silently cursed Orochimayu again. Damn her, she thought as her feet pounded the floor, damn her for doing this. She quickly shook herself out of her thoughts and continues forward.


scarecrow_mask August 1 2006, 01:04:06 UTC
Sorry? An apology?

The thought about the oddness of that flew through Kakami's mind as she wasted no time in giving chase. It was soon pushed aside with worry for Sakurai. They'd taken Sakurai...why? Because they needed bait for Sachiko? Or perhaps as a bargining tool?

It was possible - a very slim chance true - that they'd not been raised by Orochimayu. Kakami didn't know of anyone else who could do that though. Frowning and pausing, Kakami's hands grabbed a scroll and flew through the hand signs.

Several poofs later and her dogs were running in pack formation, with Kakami and Sachiko in the center of them.

"Stay behind me." Kakami dirrected the Uchiha girl. She'd not risk SAchiko being taken as well.


uchiha_sachiko August 1 2006, 04:08:45 UTC
Sachiko nodded before wincing and pulling the senbon out with a free hand. Her whole neck and back was sore -- the senbon was able to cause her whole body to become numb -- and by the time she could react, she had already found herself on the floor.

She gritted her teeth. All these years of training, and she still cannot defeat Haku. Worse yet, her Chidori... the only other person to have stopped it was Itae.

She was so pathetic.

Because of this, Sakurai was taken.



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