[Action Thread][Illusions of Truth][Closed to Kabumi and Kureno]

May 10, 2006 21:51

It was early morning when two anbu guards escorted Yakushi Kabumi from her cell. Of course, in the Torture & Interrogation cells, there's no clock or daylight to tell you what time of day it is. Here, it was as though time did not exist, but rather the imprisonment and torment stretched into a slow, unchecked eternity. But it was early morning ( Read more... )

sasoriza, rp thread, kureno, june year 16, kabumi

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Comments 24

yakushi_kabumi May 13 2006, 22:12:03 UTC
There was a fine line between pride and physical ability, and physical ability won out over pride, Kabumi more than happy to allow the her escort to half-drag her to wherever it was they were taking her. It enabled her to focus most of her attention on carefully supporting her mangled left hand. They weren't careful with her, but it was better to be in control of her hand than to let them be in control of it.

She only looked up from her hand when they stopped moving her. Kabumi watched them open the double doors, and what she saw did not please her. Lips pressed into a thin line as they shoved her forward, but when she saw Kureno against the far wall she smiled a little at him.

"Hello, Kureno-san," she said, her voice leaking amusement. Her eyes lingered on the flowers in his hand. "For me?"


yuuhi_kureno May 13 2006, 23:22:16 UTC
If he was effected at all by her voice or presence, it never showed. Stepping away from the wall he approached her but stopped again about five feet away. The flowers remained at his side in his hand, and at this distance could have become more recognizable--or at least recognizable to anyone who was well-researched in herbs, drugs, or poisons. Someone perhaps backgrounded in medical science, like Kabumi.

"I thought they would suit you," he simply answered, a thumb idly running along one of the stems of the hallucinogen. With his other hand, he made a clear gesture to the circle surrounded by five kanji. "Please have a seat."

It was a polite tone, but also one that allowed no room for arguements. The unspoken "or else" hung like a poised scorpion in the air.


yakushi_kabumi May 13 2006, 23:51:14 UTC
Every step Kureno took brought the flowers closer, and those flowers made it difficult for her to keep the smile on her face. The shape and color of the petals, the way the leaves were bunched on the stems, indicated a plant she had every reason to be weary of. Kabumi had used it before, and she knew what it could do ( ... )


yuuhi_kureno May 14 2006, 00:14:15 UTC
The mention of Orochimayu's name caused his eyes to narrow a fraction, but thinking upon her words, he also recognized the hidden meaning. Suiting indeed. And here he'd just been seeing the irony in drugging up a medic ( ... )


yuuhi_kureno May 14 2006, 05:22:20 UTC
His hands snapped into the final seal and the energy in the writings covering the room came alive, lighting things in a soft bluish-green glow. Kabumi wouldn't be seeing any of it by now however.

The first task was to re-trace her memories; heavily influence the part of her mind that recalled the past few days...then weeks...then months... It was like being rocked to sleep in a state that wasn't yet dreaming nor gone; just a secure sense of being.

Like feeling right where you were supposed to be. And wherever that was, was slowly falling into Kureno's control.


yakushi_kabumi May 14 2006, 05:36:31 UTC
And then Kabumi pulled the earpieces of the stethescope out of her ears, laying the instrument on the tray. "You have fluid building up in your lungs again, Kimimari-chan," she told the pale girl on the medical bed. Orochimayu should just give up on this one. She's going to die, unless I can keep thinking of ways to fight this. Her immune system--

Kabumi moved to pick up a cotton swab, dipping it in rubbing alcohol and running it across the inside of Kimimari's elbow. "I'll take some more blood for testing, and maybe I'll see what the problem is this time."


yuuhi_kureno May 14 2006, 05:57:40 UTC
The room disappeared, and like ghosts emerging from the walls, colors and images warped and formed the images of Kabumi's memory. Kureno was standing in the midst of it all unseen and unexistent in this piece of the past. They were completely inside the mind now, far from their bodies without leaving them at all.

Kabumi's voice, her real one that issued forth from her actual mouth and was heard by all, did not echo in the room despite its emptiness. And with the second task completing itself, it gave voice to her thoughts as well. They came out more in a whisper, discerning themselves more from her speech, but they were heard all the same.

The memory still wasn't right however. It wasn't what he needed.

Reaching out with his chakra, Kureno prompted her mind to move again.


yakushi_kabumi May 14 2006, 06:10:21 UTC
And then she wiped his saliva off of her hand and onto her pants. Need to have that checked, human bites-- "I'll probably need to come heal you once I've finished my rounds to the other subjects," she told Hinaji. Possibility of resparatory distress if it's untreated too long, can't afford to have him die from that, not yet.

He was huddled pathetically against the wall, and she glanced from the vial to him. She had told him it was poison. Will he believe it's poison? Is he that desperate? He doesn't-- "Unless you'll be taking that?"

A defiant little Hyuuga, she thought as he kicked out at the vial shattering it. He could be interesting. "I'll be back, then. And please, think carefully about my question."


bloodredsands May 18 2006, 03:28:55 UTC
Sasoriza of the Red Sands, the most lethal creature to come out of the desert was truly, utterly, pissed. For a start, she had had to endure ten minutes of moronic flirting with the gate guard to get into the city. Well, to be more accurate, the young chuunin had flirted at her: Sasoriza had stood there like a statue and used every scrap of self-control she had not refrain from ripping his tongue out and using it to paint a mural in his brain matter on the village's southern wall ( ... )


yuuhi_kureno May 18 2006, 03:59:06 UTC
Something was wrong ( ... )


bloodredsands May 22 2006, 22:35:13 UTC
Sasoriza knew how to be a systematic creature if needs called for it - and she had absolutley no issues with systematically tearing apart the T & I division until she found who she was looking for ( ... )


yuuhi_kureno May 23 2006, 23:09:39 UTC

There was hardly time to react, (move) it all happened so fast and Kureno's mind was still too phazed from bringing himself out of the genjutsu to (Move) think of what he was supposed to do next. (Move!) He watched the guards who had the misfortune of being the closest targets become annihilated in a speed that mocked their position.

The enemy's words drew in his attention, and it was then that Kureno (Move!) began noticing the other details.

A puppet-jutsu user… (MOVE!)

He watched their eyes focus on the prisoner.

They're here for Kabumi...?

Something moved.

(MOVE!!!)And so did he. But not in time ( ... )


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