[Gala Day 3] Think of the Children! [Suzumo, Asuka, Konohako, and Hanabi]

Jun 24, 2008 20:46

When your charge had food allergies, it was good to know right away when said charge got sick. Suzumo was a little irritated then that no one had told him that Hanabi had apparently thrown up some time ago. Since the boy had only seemed upset, and wasn't swelling, it was probably all right... but Suzumo was still concerned. This WAS Hanabi, and it ( Read more... )

rp thread, konohako, april year 18, suzumo, asuka, hanabi

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Comments 14

asuka_sensei June 25 2008, 10:59:25 UTC
She paused and turned toward the sound of her name without hesitation, peering through the smoky haze to see who was hailing her. At first it was impossible to tell who was calling for her and who wasn't - people huddled under tables, wailed in terror in the corners, dug through the rubble, pilfered the expensive dinnerware that hadn't been destroyed - but it was clear enough to see who was running in her direction and who wasn't ( ... )


ninjaflowers June 25 2008, 16:22:21 UTC
If Asuka was having trouble seeing, Suzumo was practically blind. He couldn't take his sunglasses off to really see, but they were dark so it was making it difficult. And with his history of explosions, he had to admit that the bombs that had been going off were making him a bit nervous. But right now, he was less focused on that and more focused on the woman in front of them. They weren't too far different in age, but Suzumo was keenly aware that she was far better than him, knew how to lead better. It's why he'd found her in the first place.

Batting aside a piece of rock that had fallen, he raised his voice so she could hear. "Hanabi and Konohako-san were last seen together, heading back to his room. It's not far from here."

... hopefully, they'd still BE there when they got there.


asuka_sensei June 25 2008, 17:55:19 UTC
Back to Hanabi's room? That was fascinating, considering the ass-kicking they'd given each other a while back. Then again, Asuka herself usually enjoyed beating up her friends, so maybe it wasn't so weird after all.

"I just saw them," she replied, and pointed off towards the closest entrance to the hall. The dust and smoke thrown up by the fires and collapsed timbers wasn't making the entrance easy to see, though. "Let's try and grab them before they get into any trouble."

Knowing Konohako, they probably already had, but Asuka was trying to think positive for a change.


ninjaflowers June 26 2008, 20:43:10 UTC
Before they get into trouble. Right.

Suzumo too tried to think positive though, nudging Asuka and moving to follow her lead. There were bodies strewn about in places, alive or dead he couldn't tell. They had to dodge fires and debris everywhere, but doggedly made their way to where Asuka had last seen the kids, with only the determination that a shinobi could hold.

The sensei really did hope they were all right and his charge was okay. Dark eyes looked through the smoke behind his glasses, looking for the familiar pale skin and white eyes of Hanabi.


captainkonohako June 28 2008, 20:01:25 UTC
Konohako had hardly waited for Hanabi to follow before bursting out of his room and heading down the hall, deciding it was just quicker than taking the servants' passage again.

Explosions were great and all, but there was a knot of anxiety in her stomach that told Konohako that this particular brand of kabooms was not the cheery 'lets'-scare-sensei' type. Still, she was the elder and the higher rank of the two kids so she had to be all cool and stuff.

Besides, she was the only one who'd thought of bringing her gear. She'd find many creative and irritating ways to rub this in Hanabi's figurative nose when they got back home.

When two figures loomed ahead, Konohako stopped, hand going to her holster, before blinking. "Oi! Oba!"


white_sky_eyes June 29 2008, 17:05:59 UTC
While Konohako was projecting the cool, collected and calm demeanour of any ninja in a crisis, the Hyuuga boy racing along behind her was struggling to do the same. His Byakugan was flared wide, eyes watering in the dusty air as he hurled his vision to and fro, close and far, trying to find his brother and his sensei. His heart was beating in overdrive as he heard another peal of screams and the sound of a wall collapsing and a piercing ache of weight and fright he hadn't felt since Hinaji was sealed was bearing down on him.

Suzumo wouldn't be here if he hadn't come. And Hinaji was his brother and always his first responsibility and, and, and--

Konohako had stopped, he nearly ran right into her, and then he saw why.

"SENSEI!" Hanabi wasn't proud of the way his voice eeked as he raced right past Konohako and straight for Suzumo. "Are you alright? Hold still, let me check!" Skidding to a stop right in front of the dirt-coated chuunin, Hanabi's pale hands shot out to grab Suzumo's elbow as he started checking for blood, bruises and ( ... )


asuka_sensei June 29 2008, 19:43:36 UTC
The smoke was irritating to the eyes and caustic to the lungs; as she and Suzumo struggled through the burning hall to where she'd last seen the children, Asuka tried her best to breath through the thick fabric of the sleeve of her kimono, but it only helped her breath a little, and certainly didn't help her see at all. The sound of that familiar, annoying, piercing voice wasn't hard to hear at all, though, and certainly not that shriek of 'sensei!' that followed immediately after.

Only a few steps later and they met, Hanabi reaching out to grab Suzumo and Asuka reaching out to grab Konohako. The boy looked well enough, if startled; Suzumo could tend to him. Her neice, on the other hand, hardly looked perturbed at all, and on top of that was armed.

"Brilliant girl," she praised without thinking - after all, how many of the rest of them had bothered with weapons? Certainly not enough. It didn't matter what Konohako had been off to get into trouble with before, the fact that she was armed now was a boon they sorely needed. "How many ( ... )


ninjaflowers July 1 2008, 01:48:43 UTC
Suzumo heard the girl yell, and then heard Hanabi's voice shout sensei, the hint of panic and relief unmistakable. He was surprised, he had to admit, just a little. But in retrospect, it probably really made sense. Hanabi was still young and this was utterly terrifying- mostly the not knowing what the heck was going on part. So Suzumo didn't scold him, didn't tell him to stop it, just let him look him over, a hand resting on Hanabi's small shoulders.

"I'm fine," he reassured him quickly; his own eyes scanned the boy for marks and was relieved to see none. "Are you all right yourself? Both of you?"


captainkonohako July 9 2008, 23:16:16 UTC
Konohako held out two more kunai - one for Hanabi and one for Suzumo. Inwardly, she was a little glad to see Hanabi calm down and just a bit surprised at his statement.

She just nodded, almost flinching at the explosion before taking a breath and forcing a crooked grin at the boy. "Watch out for yourself. Don't be an idiot and get yourself squashed."

It was, perhaps, the only real thing Konohako could say at the moment, before looking at her aunt and waiting to move out.


asuka_sensei July 17 2008, 00:24:16 UTC
"There's a courtyard just outside," she said in response to Suzumo's question, pointing blindly through the smoke in the direction she thought the courtyard was. There was a good chance it was just rubble now, but it was the closest landmark she could be sure they wouldn't overlook by accident. "That's where most of these people will be heading, but with luck the guards will shuffle them off to a shelter. We'll meet by the fountain for now ( ... )


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