[Gala Day 3] Think of the Children! [Suzumo, Asuka, Konohako, and Hanabi]

Jun 24, 2008 20:46

When your charge had food allergies, it was good to know right away when said charge got sick. Suzumo was a little irritated then that no one had told him that Hanabi had apparently thrown up some time ago. Since the boy had only seemed upset, and wasn't swelling, it was probably all right... but Suzumo was still concerned. This WAS Hanabi, and it ( Read more... )

rp thread, konohako, april year 18, suzumo, asuka, hanabi

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asuka_sensei June 29 2008, 19:43:36 UTC
The smoke was irritating to the eyes and caustic to the lungs; as she and Suzumo struggled through the burning hall to where she'd last seen the children, Asuka tried her best to breath through the thick fabric of the sleeve of her kimono, but it only helped her breath a little, and certainly didn't help her see at all. The sound of that familiar, annoying, piercing voice wasn't hard to hear at all, though, and certainly not that shriek of 'sensei!' that followed immediately after.

Only a few steps later and they met, Hanabi reaching out to grab Suzumo and Asuka reaching out to grab Konohako. The boy looked well enough, if startled; Suzumo could tend to him. Her neice, on the other hand, hardly looked perturbed at all, and on top of that was armed.

"Brilliant girl," she praised without thinking - after all, how many of the rest of them had bothered with weapons? Certainly not enough. It didn't matter what Konohako had been off to get into trouble with before, the fact that she was armed now was a boon they sorely needed. "How many kunai do you have?"


ninjaflowers July 1 2008, 01:48:43 UTC
Suzumo heard the girl yell, and then heard Hanabi's voice shout sensei, the hint of panic and relief unmistakable. He was surprised, he had to admit, just a little. But in retrospect, it probably really made sense. Hanabi was still young and this was utterly terrifying- mostly the not knowing what the heck was going on part. So Suzumo didn't scold him, didn't tell him to stop it, just let him look him over, a hand resting on Hanabi's small shoulders.

"I'm fine," he reassured him quickly; his own eyes scanned the boy for marks and was relieved to see none. "Are you all right yourself? Both of you?"


captainkonohako July 3 2008, 22:47:36 UTC
Konohako couldn't quite hide the pleased flush that flooded her cheeks at Asuka's praise, despite the smoke and chaos.

"I have about twelve. But I also have a pouch of shuriken and a set of wire." the girl's voice was forcibly calm, eyes focused on her aunt. "I have...uh...three explosion tags and a smokebomb. Not much else."

It was very basic and Konohako shifted before quickly fishing out a few kunai, which she offered to Asuka. She glanced at Hanabi - he seemed to be calming down some it seemed - and Suzumo-sensei, whom she hadn't seen since she'd been wreaking havoc in the Academy. She looked back at Asuka, with an expression that clearly asked, 'What do we do now?'


asuka_sensei July 3 2008, 23:48:06 UTC
"Perfect." It sounded only like the basic kit that most genin might have on a mission, but ultimately more than she could have expected Konohako to bring along with her. This was supposed to be a party, after all.

She accepted only one of the kunai the girl offered her, shaking her sleeves out of the way, pressing the other weapons back. "We should each at least have one weapon in case any of the enemy make it in. For now, though, the fighting is outside, so we have to get people out of here before the whole place collapses." The kunoichi looked over to the other two.

"Hanabi, you can help us see people who might be hiding, buried under the rubble, or lost in the smoke. You and Suzumo go look for them, and get them out of the building in whatever way possible. Konohako and I can drag out the rest. We'll let ANBU and the guards handle whoever started this mess."

The little Hyuuga boy clearly hadn't run into anything like this before; considering he was the heir to the clan, that wasn't surprising. He was handling it very well from all appearances, though. "Can you handle that?"


white_sky_eyes July 9 2008, 21:57:20 UTC
Hanabi wanted to have his fingers clamped onto Suzumo's sleeve like five minature vice-grips, and god help anybody who tried to detach him before he felt like it. He wanted to be absolutely sure there was no chance of losing him in this chaos, of Suzumo getting hurt.

But Hanabi controlled himself. This was probably the most clearly defined emergency situation he had ever seen in his life, and he was going to make himself useful if it killed him. Sarutobi-san asked him a question, and Hanabi gave her an answer - white eyes clear as he met hers.

"Yes, Sarutobi-san. We can handle that," he replied briskly, closing his eyes and then flaring them bright and wide with the byakugan.

Time for some thrilling heroics, or something daft like that. And on the way he was going to find Hinaji and then promptly give him hell like he wouldn't believe for scaring him like this. "Take care of your aunt, Konohako," he told his agemate, knowing this might be the last time he saw her as another explosion blared from a nearby courtyard... and doubting that quite a bit.


ninjaflowers July 9 2008, 23:10:40 UTC
Suzumo could feel it, the tension in Hanabi's hold that indicated how truly scared that he was. He wanted something to hold on to the boy, to console him, without making it obvious. Subtly he moved a hand on to Hanabi's shoulder, as if steadying the boy. There was a slight nod to Asuka's words, and a small swell of pride at how Hanabi composed himself, in order to do the task at hand.

"Meeting point?" He asked Asuka, already getting ready to move out with his young charge.


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