Title: Comfort Me With Apples
thedreamisrealRating: Teen and up!
Summary: After his time with the Witch, Edmund loses his taste for sweets, but he learns to love apples. Character study, and cookery lesson!
Comfort Me With Apples… )
Comments 9
And I'm delighted that you included a recipe for apple pie as well! Fortunately, I don't have to go so far as to make one right now since there's an apple pie in my fridge, all ready to be reheated for dessert tonight. :-)
The part where this story really came alive to me was when you started describing the dryad and her apples, it was so vivid. It reminded me of the time I went to an apple orchard and had the most delicious, huge apples.
A nice, cozy, tasty story. I like!
The recipe is awesome and looks delicious.
Fic and food is a match made in ... Aslan's country to be sure. This was just a delightful story and I enjoyed the Edmund character study with its happy ending very much.
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