surprise suprise, AU oneshot

Jun 13, 2009 14:30

So, yesterday, seeing how ppl were so heartbroken (because of me! Can u believe it?!?!?), I decided to write this other oneshot, this one has a bit of an open ending-ish (leaning towards the "happy ending" side though). Hope u like

Title:the color red
warnings: none
disclaimer: dont own skins
summary: Seeing life through Naomi's eyes (or is it Emily's? I'm not sure, read for urself, lol). Oh yeah, bit of an AU "lake scene" as well
a/n: I shouldnt have to ask for comments right? It's basic manners really

- “What color is the sun?”

- “The sun? Uhm, let me remember, oh right, is has a fiery color. Do you know? Fire’s extremely hot”

- “What about yellow?”

- “Give me your hand Em”

- “Why?”

- “You’ll see”

- “Where are you?”

- “Right here”

- “Oh, there you are. Where are you taking me?”

- “Outside, to the front yard”

- “What’s outside?”

- “Sunlight, it’s sunny outside”

- “How do you know it’s sunny outside?”

- “Um, I always listen to the weather forecast”

Emily nodded, slowly following Naomi to the front yard. Once there, Naomi asked: “Can you feel something?”

The redhead stood still for a moment before answering: “Yeah, it’s warm out here”

Naomi smiled: “See, that’s yellow, it’s very warm isn’t it?”

Emily stood still for a few moments before saying: “You’re luckier than me”

“Why would you think that?” Naomi asked, a little shocked

“You knew what the world looked like before going blind. Where as I…”

The two girls were both silent, they were blind. Emily was born that way whereas Naomi only went blind from the 8th grade. They’ve known each other for a few months now. Emily remembers how they first met. That day, while Emily was walking down the street, she accidentally bumped into Naomi:

“Jesus, what are you, blind?! Watch where you’re going!” Naomi scolded

“I’m so sorry, I am blind actually” Emily replied

The other girl didn’t say anything for a long time, Emily thinks she could hear a sigh:

“I’m sorry too, I’m blind as well”

That was how they first met, ever since they’ve known each other, Emily began to know more about what objects, colors looked like through certain sensations. Blue was the color of peacefulness, comfort. Yellow was the color of warmth, excitement. Purple was the color of dreams, the color of waiting for something endlessly… Naomi told Emily a lot about everyday life, everything from cute pets to the Moon, the stars,… each everyday object represented by an emotion, a sensation…

“What are you thinking?” Naomi suddenly asked

- “Black, the color black. That’s the color I know best, when everything else is gone, there’s blackness everywhere. The color of defeat”

Emily sighed afterwards. Naomi heard and grabbed Emily’s hand tightly:

- “No! Black is the home of everything”

- “What do you mean?”

- “It’s all the colors combined, it’s the peacefulness of blue, the dreaminess of purple, the warmth of yellow…”

Emily suddenly interrupted Naomi: “Nai, what’s red?”

- “Red? Um, red is…”

Naomi placed a surprising kiss on Emily’s cheeks. This makes Emily feel rather strange, her cheeks quickly grew hot.

- “What was that?” She asked

- “My lips, your cheek, that was a kiss I just gave you”

- “Why?”

- “That’s what red is”

- “Red?”

- “Yeah, that’s red... Wait! Emily, stop!” Emily ran off, not running away, she feels something new, something she’s never felt before. She just wanted to get out of there, not like running away, just this new, strange emotion, like a sudden rush of adrenaline”

“Hey, watch out for that lake!” Naomi shouted after Emily, but it was too late. Emily tripped, she feels herself falling into the water, what color is water? She wonders. Emily choked, she just wanted to get out of there but she didn’t know how, she truggles, then slowly sinks. Emily suddenly feels arms pulling her into them. Naomi brought her back to safety. Even though she was gasping desperately for air, Emily still manages to splutter:

- “How come you could see? Why did you lie to me?”

Naomi doesn’t answer, instead she just took Emily’s hand left hand and placed it on her chest, where her heart is:

- “This is red Em, I did it because of the color red”

fanfic, fanfic: pg

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