Better Things Are Coming

Jun 15, 2009 18:31

Title:Better Things Are coming
Author: Me
Raiting: 17 but jut for language for now
Summary: Emily and Naomi focused but other members will make an apperance soon

"Emily! ....EMILY! Fucking hell Emily wake the fuck up!" Why can't she leave me to set my alarm?!

"What?!" Emily asked, shocked and angry, she hated when people woke her up.

"It's Fucking 10am we were ment to be in college an hour ago!"

"Well, it's only college we can miss today, come back to bed"

"Em's as much as i would love to stay in bed with you, We have an exam today and we can't miss it, so just get the fuck up so we can go" she got up obviously i was a bit harsh on her but it's the only way to get her out of bed that r threaten no sex.


After atleast another hour of threating and dragging her to college, i managed to get her there, although she doesn't look happy, got a bit of a bitch on aswell.
"I don't even now how you can do a exam on politics, we should do a protest instead." Emily stated, yes obviously still in a bad mood. Note to self, make her happy later!
"Em's it's an exam, now hurry up or there will be no point" After a thew kisses and me pulling her into the exam hall she seems to have lightend up a bit. Thank God.
The seats are all in lines all very formaly and everyone seems to have a serious look on there face as they sit down to the desks they were allocated. Emily is sitting 3 rows infront of me, so there will be no distractions.

Test starts
Shit! I don't now that! Shit! Ow wait i do. Emily was there when we were revising, she kept repeating it between kisses, god it was hot. NO! no, i can't think of her, not now! But there she is i can see her, NO no Naomi not know, focus, come on you know this. Think what em's was telling you without getting seriously turned on, what im i thinking how can i not get turned on, right, she said lots of things..Shit.

"Nai, Nai! how did it go, i thought it was shit easy what about you?" Emily said jogging other to me
"Well, do you remeber when we revised it what we were doing when we were "revising" that's all i could fucking think about, i am totally going to balme you if i fail that test" i laughed at Emily noticing her face turn from confusion to a mishchevious grin

After a thew moments of nothing but silence as we both rememberd back to that night, i felt a hand around my wrist pulling me into the near by toilets. Time for her to make up for me failing my exam.

Chapter 2 soonn (: comments would be the lovely thankks

fanfic, fanfic: r

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