Bowspirit's Aim 4.75-4.82 (pages 23-30!) + Bonus

Jul 01, 2011 05:39

Close, but no cigar... not! Went to bed right after my last post, woke up at 4pm, started raiding at 4:30, finished raid (killing two new bosses and making some decent progress on a third, and finishing up the other half of p23 which I needed to revise) and post-raid paperwork at about 8:45, 9pm. That gave me three hours to do six pages. Usually a page takes me about two, three hours to sketch, unless I'm on a roll or I already have it thumbnailed and I can decipher my thumbnails (not often, I haven't found a good balance between "easily readable" and "fast and dirty" yet).

You've heard me whining in previous posts about how the art quality wasn't up to my own personal standard? You ain't seen nothin' yet. My god. *wince* But, I finished the last panel on page 30 at 11:57pm Pacific, which means that hooray, I made it! 'course then I spent the subsequent five hours scanning, scribbling notes and dialog all over it, and doodling in Photoshop :x

BA proper
NaNo 1-4
NaNo 5-8
NaNo 9-12
NaNo 13-17
NaNo 18-24

This page should look familiar. There wasn't actually much I needed to do to change it from two half-pages to a single full page. The flow is a little bit awkward, but it works well enough.

Two-page spread! This should also look familiar cos' the only thing that's changed was sound effects being added, heh.

Everybody's yelling! Everybody's panicked! Everyone knows that I've got two and a half hours left, oh god!

Best. Sevvie face. EVER. That middle panel was giving me all sorts of crap, spent a half-hour on it and said "okay no, I have three more pages after this one and less than two hours to do them in, enough is enough." But oh man, that Sevvie face.

Poor Alex. Despite being the source of "Bowspirit" in Bowspirit's Aim, he's almost destined to become a Sixth Ranger because-not including possible filler storylines-I'm pretty sure it's about twenty chapters in that he actually gets added to the recurring cast. He got chapter one, and makes brief cameos in the background here and there, but...

Oh well, sucks for him :D

Congratulations to everyone who... well, not only everyone who finished (but hooray for you!), but everyone who tried. Even if you didn't make it, you made an effort and that's the awesomest bit of all, imo :D

Now, to go back and catch up on everybody else's mangos I've been eschewing for the past day and a half...


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