Amnesia and Realizations. And Maple-Glazed Turkey. Chapter Nine.

Dec 10, 2011 21:46

Title: Amnesia and Realizations. And Maple-Glazed Turkey.
Author: nancygrew
Rating: G
Disclaimer: Characters belong to ATWT
Notes: Takes place late November 2015. You don't have to read my other fic in order to understand this one. Originally written for Noah_Who but decided to bring it over here with the rest of my fic so that I could play with tags.
Summary: Noah wakes up in Oakdale Memorial Hospital


Soon more people began arriving. Some solo, some in twos or threes. There were more strangers than there were people that Noah recognized. Some brought wine or cider or side dishes. One couple in their early sixties brought a ham. Noah was excited to see Faith finally arrive with Casey. Noah approached Faith while she and Casey were talking to Luke and Reid. Reid was pouring Faith and Casey some sparkling cider.

Faith noticed Noah. He hadn’t had a chance to say a word before she was glaring at him. “I don’t care that you have amnesia and don’t remember the jerky things you did after 2008. You did plenty of hurtful and mean things to Luke prior to 2008. Stay away from me.”

“Faith, please don’t argue with Noah,” pleaded Luke as he clasped her hand. “The Autumnal Harvest Feast is not the time for unkindness or ill-will.”

“Yeah, Faith,” chimed in Dr. Buttface. “What would the Baby Autumnal Equinox think of your lack of Autumnal Equinox spirit?”

Faith smirked at her brother-in-law. “You are in an awfully good mood for someone whose husband’s ex-boyfriend is living with them. Did you receive life and attitude-changing visits from the Ghosts of Autumnal Equinox Past, Autumnal Equinox Present and Autumnal Equinox Future?”

“Precisely,” replied Dr. Buttface. “Then an angel arrived and showed me what the world would have been like if I’d never been born. It was a hideous, nightmarish world. Oakdale was particularly dystopic without my civilizing influence. And Luke had remained clueless about what good sex actually entailed.”

Luke pinched Dr. Buttface in his side. From the volume of his yelp, it had been a loud pinch. Noah received little satisfaction from Dr. Buttface’s pain. He noticed that Holden had arrived and was standing outside in the courtyard speaking with a woman who was a few in her late fifties or early sixties. Noah decided to go and catch up with Holden.

“Holden, I don’t trust Dr. Oliver with Luke,” Noah said when he reached him. “He’s rude and arrogant and I don’t think he’ll stick around for Luke when Luke needs him.”

Holden and the woman with him appeared startled by Noah’s words. Noah wondered if Holden had somehow failed to notice how horrible Dr. Buttface was.

“Noah, I realize that everything must be really confusing and upsetting to you right now but you’ll just have to trust Luke’s judgement about Reid.”

“Luke’s too emotional to have good judgement about people,” replied Noah.

“Caring deeply about the people he loves and causes he believes in doesn’t mean that Luke has bad judgement about people,” Holden said with a frown. “Reid isn’t the man I would have picked for my son. Which was a failure of insight on my part. Reid has always stood by Luke. And frankly, that’s something that you’ve never done.”

“I’ve realized that I made a mistake by pushing him away after the school election,” said Noah. “But I’ve never been in a relationship before. I feel horrible that he was going through something big and painful and that I failed to stand by him.”

“You left Luke to fend for himself on a regular basis, Noah,” answered Holden.

“I thought that you and I were friends,” said a hurt Noah.

“I did too. Up until the time that you skipped my funeral so that you could party with Jude Law in L.A. You left my son to take care of his grieving mother and siblings by himself. Reid would never have done that. He once gave up his dream job in order to be with Luke. Reid makes Luke happy. If you truly cared about Luke, you’d be happy for him.”

“I skipped your funeral?” asked an appalled Noah.

Holden sighed. “It was a long time ago and I don’t bear you any grudge. But I want my son to be with someone who takes care of him as much as he takes care of them. And even though it took me a few years to realize it, that man is Reid Oliver.”

The woman that had been speaking with Holden introduced herself to Noah. “Hello. I’m Iva Snyder. I’m Luke’s aunt. I don’t think you’ve all of the family. Why don’t I take you around and introduce you to everyone?”

Noah thanked her.

Iva led Noah to the latest arrivals to the festivities. “Noah, this is my oldest brother Seth Snyder and his wife Angel. Seth is a novelist. He recently returned to Oakdale in order to accept a teaching position at Oakdale University. Angel does a lot of volunteer work for disadvantaged youth. She helped organize a mentoring program at Oakdale high.”

“It’s nice to meet you,” said Noah.

“It’s nice to meet you. Are you close friends with Luke and Reid?” asked Angel.

“I was Luke’s first love,” said Noah. “I’m surprised that we’ve never met before.”

Seth narrowed his eyes all Eastwood-like at Noah. “Are you the ex-boyfriend who missed my baby brother’s funeral to go to Los Angeles in order to meet Jude Law?”

Noah wondered if it would be immature to run from the room in embarrassment and to hide underneath the nearest bed. With his luck, Reid and Luke would show up and start having wild bonobo monkey sex on top of the bed while Noah cowered below. And the suddenly bi-curious Casey would probably join in while Faith filmed it.

“It’s my understanding that Luke actually talked Noah into going to LA,” said Iva while patting Noah on the arm in a comforting manner. “Noah wanted to support Luke but Luke didn’t want Noah to miss out on a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. And Noah is currently suffering from amnesia so I think we should cut him a break for right now.”

Noah decided that he should excuse himself. He wandered off to a corner of the room and watched the interactions of the Snyder family and their friends and dates and, most likely, homeless strangers they had met that morning and had decided to include in the good will. He noticed that Luke and Reid made sure that people had hors d’oerves and beverages. They made sure to introduce people to anyone that they didn’t know. They made sure to touch each other gently whenever they crossed paths.

Noah saw Kevin walk in the door with another man. Noah recognized the other man as Roth, the gay guy from college that he had caught Luke fawning over.

“I can’t believe that Luke invited you,” hissed Noah.

“I can’t believe that Luke invited you,” hissed Kevin right back.

Dr. Buttface approached the group of men.

“Kevin, Noah has amnesia and doesn’t remember anything after December 2008,” said Dr. Buttface. “Noah, Kevin and Luke are friends now. Also, Kevin is bisexual and Roth here is his boyfriend. If anyone hits anyone during the Autumnal Harvest Feast, it will really upset Luke. If Luke gets upset, the odds are good that Damian will have you all murdered horribly.”

“You really have amnesia?” asked that Roth guy.

“Yeah. Are you and Kevin really boyfriends? You should know that he has a problem with gay people,” Noah warned Roth.

Kevin shifted uncomfortably. “Roth is my boyfriend. I’m bisexual. The reason I reacted so negatively towards Luke coming out was because I had feelings for him and didn’t want to face what those feelings meant. I’ve tried to show Luke how sorry I am. I’ve been lucky enough that he was willing to forgive me. We’ve managed to become friends again.”

Noah could not believe his ears. “And Luke forgave you, just like that?”

“Luke and I were friends for a lot of years when we were young,” explained Kevin. “We went through a lot together.”

“I can’t believe that---”

Kevin interrupted Noah. “Look, I think that most people on Earth would have every right to take me to task for the way that I betrayed Luke’s friendship and trust and for the idiotic and cruel way I acted. You are not one of those people. You hurt Luke far worse than I ever did. You are the worst boyfriend that anyone has ever had. I was his opponent during the election and I still can’t believe that you actually turned Luke into the dean over the whole mess.”

Noah couldn’t believe that Kevin, of all people, was judging him for how he treated Luke. Kevin had viciously turned on Luke, his best friend, when Luke came out to him when they were teenagers. For Kevin to judge him hurt. A lot. He excused himself and wandered back into Luke’s orbit. He saw that Luke was speaking with Parker and a young woman about Faith’s age.

“Hope, I’m making the succotash with bacon and the stuffing is going to include chorizo,” said Luke as he rubbed her arm. “But there should be plenty of vegetarian options for you. Mashed potatoes, grilled vegetables, squash casserole, candied yams, cranberries, applesauce. And I’ve made a barley pilaf with seitan so that you’d get plenty of protein in the meal.”

“Thanks so much,” said Hope with a sweet smile. “That’s really nice of you to be so concerned about my nutrition. But you don’t have to fuss over my vegetarian diet every time I come over. Vegetarians usually get plenty of protein if they eat a balanced diet.”

“I just want the meal to be as special for you as it is for us carnivores,” replied Luke. “Autumnal Harvest comes but once a year.”

Hope giggled. Reid arrived and placed his arm around Luke’s shoulders. Noah decided to wander away before Luke saw him.

Soon the meal was ready and the tables were laden with food. People sat down and Emma said grace. Noah was seated between Lily, who mainly seemed concerned with making goo goo eyes at her new husband across the table, and Jade, who mainly seemed concerned with shooting seductive glances at her boyfriend across the table. Noah barely spoke a word during the meal but he doubted anyone noticed. People laughed and debated and told jokes and caught up with each other’s lives. This was what a family should be. This is what he had once had with the Snyders. He bitterly resented Luke breaking up with him.

After the meal, some people left to go to the homes of other loved ones. Other people arrived after leaving the homes of other loved ones. Noah decided to plead a headache and to retire to bed early. Luke smiled kindly and wished Noah a good night’s sleep.

genre: thanksgiving, character: seth snyder, character: iva snyder, pairing: seth/angel, !author|artist: nancygrew, character: luke snyder, character: holden snyder, character: kevin davis, character: reid oliver, character: parker snyder, character: damian grimaldi, pairing: faith/casey, genre: amnesia fic, character: angel snyder, warning: noah-bashing, fan fiction, pairing: iva/damian, as the world turns, character: roth [jones], rating: g, pairing: luke/reid

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